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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. astro

    Paph. rothschildianum '#65' x '#3 BM TOGA'

    Paph. rothschildianum 'Yang Ji #65' x 'Yang Ji #3 BM/TOGA' DS 5.5 cm NS 22.2 cm
  2. astro

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum with true pedigree, second flowering

    The Tokyo Orchid Nursery told me that many years ago they sold a division of Mont Millais to the Taiwanese Nursery. At least we know that the plant came from the Tokyo Orchid Nursery, regardless of whether it is a real Mt. Millais or not.
  3. astro

    Old Gen Roths Photos

    Is there any Dou Fong divisions still alive to this day? It would be tragedy if it had been lost forever. I have heard that it produced exceptional flowers comparable to Mont Millais.
  4. astro

    Old Gen Roths Photos

    Hi! Does anyone still have photos of these Paph. rothschildianums? 'Fly Eagle' 'Song Sparrow' 'Dou Fang' 'Green Valley' Are They all wild collected plants?