A Phrag forest. Very impressive. Feel free to share your cultural tips!
May ask whatyour culture is? You have a very impressive collection!!
I’m growing my plant in a regular mix (fine bark with charcoal and perlite adding some sphagnum moss, coarse sand and meal bone.) In larger pot I’m using clay pellets half way at the bottom…
Depending on the species or crosses needs, I’m using smaller pots for the one who needs to dry more rapidly, I’m growing them in semi-hydro way and/or in saucer pans. They like that!
I’m watering often during the summer time because the greenhouse is drying faster and to lower the temperature. Depending of the rain water and temperature I can water each day during the hot summer time. In winter once a week is ok but I look at the plants and their need at least twice a day.
Two fans are running year round, for a good air movement, in summer time as soon the temperature reach 25C in there an extraction fan is automatically on. When it reaches over 30C I don’t like that and I’m cooling down the greenhouse with some mist. But it is rare….
I’m using sheep manure as top dressing over the pot in spring, as fertiliser I’m using Peter’s 21-5-20 100 to 125 ppm each 2 watering during the summer time and once a month in winter. Phrags are not heavy feeders. I’m using rain water almost all year long, but depending on the season sometime I have to use our well water, keeping an eye on the water pH… Water quality is the most important to get success with Phrags….
My heating system starts when 15C is reach in there. In the past It was 10C but I aware than my seedlings were not growing fast enough… But they were growing still! During the days depending on the temperature and the sum it can reach 25 during the winter time.
I’m using 4 x 400 HPS light to mid September till March. Start with for 4 hours in early morning and adding one hour some time to time to reach 12 hours in December and decrease it to return to four in March. The light start at 5:30 in the morning when it is still cold outside that help to heat the place a little too… Species who needs more lights are closer to the lamps and on the in the lightest area of the greenhouse.