albine form of Paph. x ang-thong

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2009
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I think these flowers look like P. concolor.
But Olaf said it is the albine form of Paph. x ang-thong.
Whatever it is, I like it!

interesting. the whole niveum/godefroyae/leucochilum/ang thong group is so interbred its crazy. this is my Paph. (xang-thong var. alba x concolor var. alba).. very similar
Very nice and perfectly grown plant!Congrats...are you shure it is not hybrid?
Cause I have a P. Wellesleyanum alba that is nearly identical
Very nice and perfectly grown plant!Congrats...are you shure it is not hybrid?
Cause I have a P. Wellesleyanum alba that is nearly identical

Of course I'm not sure, what it is! :confused:
But if Olaf says, it it P. x ang-thong as labeled ... ;)

to John Boy:
I got it from Popow via ebay one year ago with two fans.

I grow it on a windowsill in direct sun without an additional shadowsystem in a south window.

However, I like the flat shape with the round petals and its erect short stem. I even like the triangular smiling pouch!
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To be very honest, just going by the picture:
I don't really give a monkeys what it is! It's one of the best Albino Brachys I have seen in a long time!!!

If you can, and if you don't mind: please post a few more pictures of that plant! A thing that strikes me is the leaf-colour, which I normally know to be 2 shades brighter with Brachy Albinos.
I vote concolor. Pouch of ang-thong is rounder, I think. But very nice. Otherwise Popow's plants are identical. Very Honest seller and if you have any problem, you can change it without any financial efforts(or send me your plant.... :) )
Here are some pics from the last year, as I got the plant:


The color of the flowers isn't that white as shown at this pics. It is more the creme-white of the first picture. But the leaf-color isn't as dark as the first picture let you think, because they are in the shadow of the flowers.
It is really difficult to get the right impression just by some photographs ...
could just be more feeding and less light Fibre!
Given your culture on a south-facing window might play into that as well. It's not the "normal" way of growing Brachys, but: srew the rules, if you end up with plants like yours!

I'd still be interested in seeing more pictures of the current plant, if that's possible?!

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