Hmmmm, interesting.
John, I hear what you say, but have an idea (no idea on what base) that H.K. x hangianum should (or would) mean darker leafs and a bulkier, bigger plant...possibly with much wider leafs. I don't feel the leaf colour is off. From what I've seen of hangianums, they are normally a grass green, not as dark as this foliage. In fact, this foliage looks pretty dark to me; but, maybe that's just my computer screen? Also, I think that the leaf size and shape depends a lot on the clones used in the breeding. If roth 'Rex' had been use, the offspring would be monstrous! If 'Commander' had been use, the offspring would be very compact. Plus, even though malipoense has relatively wide leaves, roth and hangianum have more strap shaped leaves that are more succulent. The leaves in the photo look about right for me.Also, but that's just me again...I'd be expecting much bigger flower from H.K. x hangianum. 'Not sure why you are saying that. We haven't been told the size of this flower. You can't accurately tell the size of a flower by looking at a 2 dimentional photo with no ruler for reference.