Masd. Pixie Treasure 'Antique Gold'

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Masd. Pixie Treasure 'Antique Gold' from SBOE, should be temperature tolerant.


Yes it is rather cute! Light levels should be OK, but the hardest thing will be maintaining humidity as it is sitting in my office air conditioning. Sitting on a tray of moist perlite and just misting away throughout the day :D If this one works out, I might get another one or two for the office :clap:

Unfortunately I managed to knock off one of the buds whilst misting :sob:, but this should usually rebloom twice from the same spike, so hopefully that spike isn't a complete loss.
No, unfortunately it's not scented. Just out of interest the parentage is: (((coccinea x veitchiana) x davisii) x floribunda). The grex was originally registered by Orchid Zone in 1996.
They weren't joking when they said it's "everblooming", it pretty much hasn't stopped flowering since I got it. It's still going, with new spikes coming up! This is in an office environment, where humidity conditions are less than ideal :D
An update on this, it is still blooming. I took it home for a few weeks because the lack of humidity meant that the flowers were OK but didn't really look their best, not that it stopped it from blooming though. I've now brought it back to the office and I'm trying to increase humidity around it. I'm sitting it on a layer of LECA inside a terracotta pot, then sitting the pot in a plastic saucer filled with more LECA and water. So the water is evaporating off the pot and the LECA (both inside and outside the pot), but the plant itself isn't sitting in water. It seems to be increasing humidity as well as having a small evaporative cooling effect (the pot is always cool to the touch). So far the blooms seem prettier, but time will tell!

Thanks! I just can't get over how it just keeps on blooming, best couple of dollars I've ever spent on an orchid I think :D