Paph. sanderianum

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Mar 4, 2010
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Columbus Ohio
Purchased this sanderianum in spike from Leo Schordje back in October. It is now blooming with 3 dark colored flowers. Petals today are at 29" but I expect them to get to 30".

Humidity has been kept at 60% in the daytime and 50% at night. Have watered the plant about every 2-3 days since the flowers started opening.

Very pleased with this one!

:drool::drool::drool:I agree with eggshells. Wow! I love sanderianum so much. You got a great one! How many blooms does it have? I see three, is this correct? I can't wait till my sanderianum blooms, also from Leo.
WOW. Lucky you Justin. An excellent clone too. Great colour. I'm totally envious. Look forward to hearing how you grow this on from here. Does it have new growths forming? What size?
Drool worthy.
Even on this silly gadget phone monitor this looks like eye candy.
How big is the plant? Leafspan, how many growths, ect. My sanderianum from Leo has a previously bloomed growth tha is 22" and a new growth that is 16"-18". Hopefully mine will bloom soon, and good luck with yours!
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

The plant is pretty big, with about 25" leafspan. Leo grew it so I can't take much credit for that, i just helped it to flower. It has a nice new second growth so hopefully I can get it to flower again in 2 years or so.

As for watering, I tried not to disturb the plant at all when the flowers were opening. The plant was in a different space (but still indoors) so i would just lift it up and put a bowl underneath to catch the water. But as I mentioned (and as Leo has said before) humidity is the key during this process. 60% was actually too low I think, but still sufficient.

I already grow a few sandys so this one should do fine with my other plants. I grow them like rothschildianum, but with less light a little more water.

I'm tempted to self-pollinate this plant. It's certainly strong enough to carry a pod or 2. Haven't decided for sure yet.

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