Den delicatum on k lite

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Just wanted to share how my delicatums are doing on k lite. The show could be better but I get no direct sun after 10 am:wink: Over all, The new growth is 6" taller with more wider leaves. There not in bloom yet but I'll update when they do.

I'm showing last years on top(MSU @ 100 ppm N) leave size vs this years on bottom(k lite @ 30 ppm N)


Last years growth


This years growth


Plant from the top


4 spikes... You kidding me!!!

Ya, It gets about half the sun it should have. I have not fertilized it since Oct.(north) That also why its slow to bloom.
The funny thing is that this in the smaller of the delicatums I have. The mother plant is twice the size but didn't bloom as well because it doesn't get as much sun. Next year it's on!

Rick- lol.... Ill invite you over next year to count them!
Austalian Dendro's have conquered a place in my Orchidheart. Culture wise they are not that difficult and if you do it right you are rewarded with a sea of fragrant flowers.

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