My Second Hang Hybrid to Bloom!!!

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Aug 14, 2014
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This is a first time blooming of Paphiopedilum Wössner China Moon.
I bought two medium sized seedlings from Cloud's Orchids about 3 years ago. Both plants have been a good grower, and this one came into low spike finally last summer, so it's been developing for a very long time!
It was also growing two pubs at the same time, so really good grower.

This one has broad leaves like hang, but the other seedling looks more like armeniacum with much narrower leaves. It might bloom soon it looks like.

I love yellow, so I am very much looking forward to the open bloom on this guy! :drool:

A bit on the culture, I have not repotted and they both are still in the same pot, old mix in that 2.5 plastic pot with their mix, mostly douglas fir bark, charcoal, perlite and sand among other things. I have been growing them by the south facing window with sheer curtain drawn.
Water when the pot dries up, about every 4 days or so.

I wish I had bought more at the time, but I was able to acquire a bunch more from different sources since.
These plants have attractive leaves and grow very well!

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I know, right?
I just love the sight of budding plants.
All the time and efforts that have been put in seem to be paid off.
Then, the anticipation...

How is yours doing??
It is slowly opening up and still maintaining this full round shape, which is very exciting! :D

I will post once it is fully open with the entire plant and all. ;)
It still has a slightly green tone, but turning gold fast.
The flower is still opening up, I think.
I'm in love with this flower! :smitten:


I found a tea cup to stabilize the plant. The pot is only 2.5 in and with this big flower on, I don't want to risk any accidental tipping over.
It is about 12in tall from the base of the plant to the top of the flower.


Close up of the plant. It has been growing two new shoots since last summer. Slow but steady grower. I love the leaves also.

The flower is large and has good color, but the healthy new growth is what catches my eye. Whenever I see something like this, I know the long term prospects are very good. These are the plants I like to keep.

BTW, I have one of these that has a really nice bloom, but I almost killed it. It has taken two years to recover, but I believe it will bloom next year. Mike
I remember seeing yours, if that's the same one you're talking about here, that is. It is indeed nice! good to hear it is coming back.
What happened? rot?

While I also do enjoy seeing such vigor, I had a very unpleasant surprise on such seemingly vigorous plant.
One good example was my Golddollar. It had one growth in bloom with three pubs, but as soon as the flower just fully opened up, it got hit by rot at the base killing the entire thing over night!
It was such a small and pretty plant with pretty good flower too. Oh, well...

Overall, my experience with armeniacum has been bad. slow and slow and rot or no growth. Did I mention slow? lol
But its primary and near primary hybrids have been the best with one exception, Fumi's Delight and worse yet (by huge margin) is Barbara Larkin.
How's yours Wendy? Or did you give it to John?

I only see one example photo online of this hybrid with multiple flowers.
I would love that!!! :)
I don't have this hybrid. I did, but it found a new home when we moved. 'Thinking I might try to find a new one.