I continue to water. Maybe 1-2x week depending on the weather. Northeast Ohio can be pretty gloomy in the winter. When the sun does not make much of an appearance, i only water once per week.
The closest thing I have to a secret is almost freezing them in the fall/winter. I keep them outside until the temperature falls into the 30s. Then they go into my little greenhouse and experience nights into the low 40s until January when the outside temps are in the teens and single digits. It...
I don't want to forget this cutie. Sarcochilus Hanni Lauger
While I wanted to get rid of my Sarcochilus last year, I am glad to see these bloom again and see Hanni Lauger for the first time.
Sarcochilus Jacqueline (Kulnura Taser x Kulnura Opus)
Please ignore leaves. I saw some leaf spotting and treated the collection. It is a strange time of year when the temperatures in the growing area can vary dramatically and cause issues.
I am sure you are better than you think. Although I do reminder the brain fog of the third trimester being a bear.
I also vote sunburn. The changing seasons increase the risk of sunburn, especially for windows growers. Between fewer clouds and the changing position of the sun, I always have...
Display 10 was from Natt's. They travel from Naperville, IL to our show every year. This year they had to divide and conquer to attend two shows on the same weekend.