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  • emydura
    First flowering plant for me. It has 5 spikes too. I love the dark burgundy flowers on this plant. The sparkesii form is highly sought...
  • emydura
    emydura reacted to Mafate's post in the thread Corybas hispidus 'Red' with Like Like.
    Hi BrucherT, and sorry for the delay, I didn't notice your questions. I got this one from a swap with a Facebook friend. And I agree...
  • emydura
    emydura replied to the thread Corybas hispidus 'Red'.
    I think people are mistaking these for the Asian tropical Corybas which are much more difficult and require really specialised...
  • emydura
    emydura replied to the thread Corybas hispidus 'Red'.
    Lovely. I did supposedly get tubers of this clone, but when they flowered, they were just the normal species. Very disappointing. This...