Recent content by evleaves

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. evleaves

    First Bloom of a Paph. Seedling

    Lovely! It does appear right side up when I click on it :)
  2. evleaves

    Hardy Ground Orchid Protocorms

    Very cool, I love the photos
  3. evleaves

    Phragmipedium Schroderae 'La Tuilerie'

    Beautiful photos, and thanks for showing the two timepoints.
  4. evleaves

    Hello From New Jersey

    (another) hello from NYC!
  5. evleaves

    Phragmipedium reticulatum

  6. evleaves

    Blooming Paph Magic Rainbow and Paph appletonianum

    This is Magic Rainbow's first bloom, and another bud is forming behind it. Appletonianum bloomed for the first time last summer and opened its second in March. Magic Rainbow is Magic Paradise x liemianum, or 87% liemianum according to Paph Paradise. Both plants were from Paph Paradise and...
  7. evleaves

    Prag. warszewiczianum var. wallsii

    Beautiful plant. The soft, pale curtains are a nice match to the pale, weepy flowers. It's a look!
  8. evleaves

    Anyone with experience of SMC (spider mite control)?

    I mainly rely on oil and soap sprays I purchase (not homemade), and my method is just to spray the plant thoroughly, spray directly in the crown and other crannies, let sit for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse off with water before putting the plant(s) back on the shelf. Doing this seems to...
  9. evleaves

    Hello from Puerto Rico

    Welcome Ricardo! I looked up Puerto Rican Amazons, they’re lovely. What interesting work that must be.
  10. evleaves


  11. evleaves

    Phrag Pit River

    Yes, it’s supposed to be a small one!
  12. evleaves

    Phrag Pit River

    My Phrag Pit River from Woodstream (Spot On ‘Kelly Creek’ x besseae flavum ‘Broadwaters’) opened its first bloom, and I thought it turned out to be pretty cute.
  13. evleaves

    Aberrant flower victoria reginae

    Gosh, that's such a cute quirk!
  14. evleaves

    bessae select

    I'd call it coral!