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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. F

    advice sought on newly purchased Paphiopedilum tranlienianum

    In my experience, all Vietnamese Paphs do well in clay pots with a big, open medium. We use Orquiata at ~ 75% with number 4 perlite at ~25%. Like helenae, this species rots easily if you're not careful. Let the plant get almost dry between waterings and then give them a healthy watering with...
  2. F

    Phrag exstaminodium

    Warszewiczianum is now the name for what we used to call wallisii. Warszewiczianum was also once the name for what we now call humboltii. Popowii is a synonym of humboltii. Yes, a mess. I wrote a paper on the names in this section that you find on Academia. Best,
  3. F

    Phrag exstaminodium

    The plant in the photos is not a Phragmipedium exstaminodium. It is not possible. Phragmipedium exstamindoium was reduced to a synonym of humboltii. It is no longer recognized as a distinct species. Why? Two other Phragmipedium species have been found in natural populations that produce...
  4. F

    Phrag. kovachii ‘Moo Deng’

    AWESOME Pete!
  5. F

    Where can I buy Phrag Kovachii and phragmipedium caudatum?

    It is really sad we need to do this with this vendor and there are so many problems. There are so few nurseries selling good quality Phrags now. When I buy from Ecuagenera I buy in person in Ecuador. My mail order experience with them has been absolutely terrible. Best,
  6. F

    Paphiopedilum ooii

    My papuanum are al doing great. New roots and new growth on some. However, when I sent a photo of one of my flowers to a well known Paph taxonomist, he ID'd the plant as wentworthianum and told me he was sure. Best,
  7. F

    Where can I buy Phrag Kovachii and phragmipedium caudatum?

    Agreed 100%. And be mindful of the plants in plastic bags they tend to be full of rot, even if you can’t see it.
  8. F

    Who went to the World Slipper Conference

    All this talk about crosses! Any thoughts on the conference itself? It helps to make these types of events better in the future... Best,
  9. F

    First Phrag Bud Watch- Eric Young 1/2 Flava

    This is what these look like when they bloom. We are seeing a range of the red color. BTW they are made with longifolium album not the yellow besseae.
  10. F

    Phrag kovachii imposter!

    The flower, and plant, in question is definitely not a kovachii. Not sure how that plant ever got a kovachii tag as it looks more like a besseae or schlimii than a kovachii. Even out of flower it is not a kovachii. You really can tell a true kovachii from the plant itself and that’s definitely...
  11. F

    2025 Paph Forum Feb 8

    @southernbelle is correct. The cost of standing up these events has skyrocketed in the past few years. And the reimbursement costs for speakers, even those local, has tripled or quadrupled. Even a local speaker gets mileage if they drive, which includes gas, meals, putting the speaker up in a...
  12. F

    World Slipper Orchid Conference January 2024

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am bumping this thread as the time to register with the discount is fast approaching. You can avoid the non member fee if you join the Orchid Digest. The price discount essentially gives you a year of the Digest free. The price includes two days of lectures...
  13. F

    Phragmipedium caudatum mislabeled and most likely grande

    Your plant is a Phrag. Grande. Not a caudatum.
  14. F

    Phragmipedium Tupac Amaru

    Those of you who know me and my articles on the genus will know that I am going to tell you that many Phrag hybrid names are the same thing. The strong similarities with other hybrids is because they are the same thing. Of course, there are subtle differences in color and flower quality based...
  15. F

    Phragmipedium ritcherii 'Hydra'

    Olaf is correct, this is a species, not a hybrid. There are reasons in addition to what Olaf has stated. However, not a natural hybrid. Best,