I also had the same problem with mine - hooded dorsal and asymmetrical twist on a petal.
I have put the pollen onto a very dark Gloria Naugle which was near vertical - hoping for some seed 🤞
It is a very striking plant - the one I saw at our paph show certainly polarised opinion.
I see it's already been used as a parent
Posted by Beam BiobeaM - https://www.facebook.com/share/p/17HdSiCPgN/
I was told by a Taiwanese grower - but I am sceptical - that the high the altitude they are grown at, the darker the colour. I'm not about to test the theory by taking my plants up the closest mountain.
Lovely flower. I don't think I would have questioned the label...
As mentioned, PI is variable, and IMHO I would have thought that this would fall within the normal variability.
I received a compot and grow them in 50% bark and 50% stone, and they have been thriving.
It seems that the need a mix that flushes out any excess water. Roots are particularly long for such a small species. :)
I assume that would be Centigrade and not Fahrenheit... which would make sense.
At 10-12C (50-55F), which can occur in Durban in winter, my phals become deciduous and drop their leaves.