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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Jmoney

    Phrag. Fritz Schomburg

    Unlike the last phrag photo I posted (fradulent kovachii), to paraphrase Seinfeld, this one "is real and it's spectacular From an Orchid Inn cross (besseae 'OZ Selected' x kovachii 'Full Moon'). NS only 11.1 but it's a first bloom seedling. Only defect I see is the imperfect lower petal...
  2. Jmoney

    Phragmipedium caudatum mislabeled and most likely grande

    definitely not any of the long petalled species. Grande (or whatever it's called now) makes sense. I would recommend growing this wet. (unlike the species). My longifolium x long-petalled want the wet feet.
  3. Jmoney

    These are thrips, aren't they.

    you mean the weird sector on the pouch right? maybe a one-off genetic thing or some isolated bud damage perhaps. if you've treated for thrips that seems unlikely and as discussed not the typical pattern. also not a virus pattern. I have had one phrag test positive for virus, and that was a...
  4. Jmoney


    So I was hoping to bloom my first kovachii after a number of years (and failures) although in the back of my mind I was concerned about mislabeling, since this came from ebay and I suspect the vendor had imported a batch from perhaps South America. Sure enough, it is not a kovachii. Any...
  5. Jmoney

    Any Guesses?

    I vote for straight roth, and based on our "standards" of flower perfection not a real good one. I just got a roth with "good" parentage, and it bloomed out with narrow petals and dorsal. going straight to next month's raffle table.
  6. Jmoney

    Paph. Clair de Lune Bloomed This Week

    that looks like the famous 'Edgard Van Belle' aka EVB. still one of my favorites.
  7. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bow Bells 'White Sands'

    right on, an "original" is only as good as the provenance i.e. the trust one has in the source.
  8. Jmoney

    Zygopetalum bloom after 2 years!

    I have all of two zygos (technically one zygo and one zygoneria); both grow like weeds in pure sphagnum. no spotting on the leaves, no wrinkled leaves. they take up a lot of water (and fertilizer) and I never let them get fully dry. I give them fairly bright cattleya level light. these...
  9. Jmoney

    Brown markings.

    I have seen this from time to time on phrags back when I grew on the windowsill. It is not rot and to my recollection has no bearing on anything; I have always ignored it. Will wait for the phrag experts who might be able to give you a better answer. Have not seen it in the greenhouse lately.
  10. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bow Bells 'White Sands'

    very nice Terry! I got a piece of 'White Sands' from Matthias last year but it hasn't bloomed yet. I asked him about the origins, as I have always been fascinated by the historic cultivars of BB...he said it was not one of his crosses and "got it from a private collector in Illinois. she had a...
  11. Jmoney

    Paph. A. de Lairesse

    it's just black velvet. I still have the point and shoot with the flash. one day I will learn to use the SLR and get better pics...
  12. Jmoney

    Paph. A. de Lairesse

    Thanks, I don't know for sure but I would imagine it's a more recent remake. I bought it off ebay from a guy in Florida who grows nice paphs and phrags. No cultivar name was provided.
  13. Jmoney

    Mt.Toro (Swindled again!)

    it's a nice MT but stinks you were expecting something else. phil/roeb alba is however pretty readily available these days...
  14. Jmoney

    Fungus gnats can’t get rid off them

    I can vouch for the product Ray mentions; I was up to my neck in fungus gnats thanks to the catasetums that needed heavy watering 2x/week. A couple treatments have really knocked down the population. before treatment it was kamikaze gnats...
  15. Jmoney

    Paph. Shin-Yi's Pride 'Barbara Ann' AM/AOS

    yes, I find philippinense turns the pouch more 'golden' (at best)...the reds are gone. I think this was someone selling something for someone, and it even came with the original whippoorwill tag (the award was given to the Larkins). Certainly a vigorous grower, two near mature new growths already.