Yes, these are first timers. I'm seeing three new growths on every one, which is a good sign to me of their vigor. My Paph Maudiae 'The Queen' AM/AOS never has more than two new growth per active fan.
The first two of a batch of seedlings I'm raising. No award qualities here - but good growth, beautiful foliage, tall inflorescence and they are true albinos. Parentage is
(Amco x Magnificum). They just look happy to me.
Here is the second seedling blooming now. Two flowers each on two spikes with the first one open. This flower is larger than that of the first seedling. I like this one less than the first, but do have a soft spot in my heart for plants that multiply rapidly and have multiple flowers on an...
Quite a few anceps hybrids have shorter stalks — two feet or less. Most of the varieties I grow are largish plants though, with psudobulbs as tall as the spikes. This one is smallish.
These are from Xavier last year. Based on the parentage and the look of the 27 seedlings I anticipate 25% mostly green, 25% mostly dark and 50% mixed color flowers. The plants are growing quite rapidly and all should flower on remarkably small plants in the next few months. I'll post flower...
Don't mean to change the subject, but I've been looking for flasks or compots of this for some time. I've grown them in the past and our climate is perfect to meet their needs.
Tags made from these printers are the high end solution, and thus are fast, reliable, durable, long lasting and totally customizable. Sato is a Japanese company and is sold worldwide.
Sato makes quality tag printers. Loda Enterprise in Colorado has always been my source. Not inexpensive but they work well and are reliable, with a variety of durable tag shapes and materials.
I have kept all information in a spreadsheet, and use that as a template for printing. My project...
I've used CHC for a long while for Cymbidiums. Straight - no additions. Super root growth as it holds moisture well when compacted. Sometimes I can move a plant up in pot size three times while retaining the old media. Makes it easy. There are brands now that are very well washed.
But to...
I never have tried these. My night temps may be a bit low for their best growth. Truly, I have my hands full at this point as the lure of flasks often gets me into (good) trouble.
Short answer: 75 degrees, quite often less.
Longer answer: This greenhouse is oriented east-west. We are about 1/4 mile from the ocean directly to the west. I have these in light shade at the far west end of the house, with large sliding doors that I open when it is sunny and warm. The...