Recent content by Marco

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Marco

    Ghost orchids!!!

    Fantastic story
  2. Marco

    Ghost pepper plants

    Pretty productive for such small plants. I pulled off 40 already. There’s about 30/40 still working
  3. Marco

    Ghost pepper plants

    This is a habanero. I don’t even want to try a ghost
  4. Marco

    Ghost pepper plants

    First one that ripened on me. Felt like it was only right to eat it. It’s spicy. And lingers.
  5. Marco

    Toys - unboxing

  6. Marco

    Toys - unboxing

  7. Marco

    Toys - unboxing

    Moved not too long ago. Finally. Unboxing
  8. Marco

    What’s for dinner?

  9. Marco

    Japan June ‘23 - Orchid Stuff

    Whom ever bought those neos is a lucky individual
  10. Marco

    Japan June ‘23 - Orchid Stuff

    I just wet my pants I remember you had a marvelous neo collection. I would drool every time you shared pictures. Did you keep any?
  11. Marco

    Commissioned Art - Still

    Negative - Rodion couldn't do what I was hoping he could do.
  12. Marco

    What’s for dinner?

    Chicken broccoli and cheese
  13. Marco

    Masdevallia Machu Picchu

    fantastic color
  14. Marco

    Phal. Grosbeak ' Harford's Sunset'

    This is a fantastic color.
  15. Marco

    Solarizing soil?

    All - I really appreciate all the feedback. I just don't want to waste soil and have perlite littered all over my yard. I think the happy medium rotating soil annually and adding fertilizer might be the way to go. So any given season there will be a bag of soil in the yard for a few months