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  • merc
    merc replied to the thread your oldest orchids.
    heartwarming indeed! thank you so much for sharing. chicken soup for the soul.♥️
  • merc
    merc reacted to mrhappyrotter's post in the thread Returning to orchid growing with Like Like.
    Welcome! Your story certainly resonates with me, as I'm in the midst of trying to figure out how to balance things while caring for an...
  • merc
    merc reacted to kman's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Like Like.
    I'm sure not to be the only one who would love a photo of Aunt Judy's Cymbidium tracyanum, when that is possible. So many of the early...
  • merc
    merc reacted to BrucherT's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Love Love.
    What a great, fun question! I have two Paphiopedilum purpuratum, my favorite species, that I got as a kid about 14 years old (I’m 50)...
  • merc
    merc reacted to Tom-DE's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Like Like.
    Since Dale mentioned his Paph. Rosslyn, I have to make a correction: my oldest Paph, for age, will be my Paph. Winston Churchill...
  • merc
    merc reacted to Austin Creek's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Love Love.
    I cannot claim to have nurtured her for most of her life, but one of the matriarchs in my collection is Paphiopedilum Rosslyn 'Pitt'S'...
  • merc
    merc reacted to Stone's post in the thread niveum with Like Like.
    After giving it some slightly cooler conditions (min 12-15C) over winter it flowered on all growths (9) rather than one at a time (at...
  • merc
    merc reacted to CarlG's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Like Like.
    I have a Dendrobium aggregatum I bought from Lager & Hurrel around 1977. I also have an encyclia of dubious ID that came in a mesh bag...
  • merc
    merc reacted to tnyr5's post in the thread Mexi in sheath at least with Love Love.
    Here's the pic you've been waiting for.
  • merc
    merc reacted to tnyr5's post in the thread Mexi in sheath at least with Love Love.
    21 spikes, 20 of them will bloom together.
  • merc
    merc reacted to tnyr5's post in the thread Mexi in sheath at least with Love Love.
    Yeah, I'm at my limit. I don't think I can take care of this anymore.
  • merc
    merc reacted to Morja's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Like Like.
    Tnyr5 is well on their way... 😂 See the thread below. Post in thread 'Mexi in sheath at least'...
  • merc
    merc replied to the thread your oldest orchids.
    i once saw a pic from a forum or blog post of someone who mastered mexipedium culture that had colony that filled a kiddie pool. i don't...
  • merc
    merc reacted to Tom-DE's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Like Like.
    Yay! I have a piece of that concolor and it has been doing great so far--4 new growths now. and that makes it the "oldest"...
  • merc
    merc reacted to TyroneGenade's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Like Like.
    I have a Ludisia discolor I got from a friend back in 2014 or 2015 I am still growing and a Paph rothschildianum I also got in 2014 from...