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  • merc
    merc replied to the thread Paph. Black Diamond.
    can you describe the scent?
  • merc
    merc replied to the thread paph concolor.
    I love mushrooms! Or at least I love hunting for them so I can take pics. Do you have a blog or photo site you'd like to share? I bet...
  • merc
    merc reacted to BrucherT's post in the thread paph concolor with Like Like.
    Aw I'm really sorry you had to learn the hard way. I love the way some slippers provide a cuppy hood to shelter the precious pollinia.
  • merc
    merc replied to the thread paph concolor.
    I tried to pop and flatten the dorsal. I know! I know! Super dumb move. I've learned my lesson with the butchering of this little lady. ☹️
  • merc
    merc reacted to BrucherT's post in the thread your oldest orchids with Love Love.
    I I will simply be DAMNED: when I went to water the big girl today, look what literally smacked me in the face!
  • merc
    merc reacted to tnyr5's post in the thread Some seedling progress with Love Love.
    The biggest thaianum x Hellas, now Paph Sue Omeis, with three spikes starting. This is about 1yr & 9 months from flask.
  • merc
    merc reacted to tnyr5's post in the thread Some seedling progress with Wow Wow.
    Okay seriously that's big enough. That's a 9in/23cm pot.
  • merc
    merc reacted to Ray's post in the thread Orchid Art Lottery to Aid Wildlife with Like Like.
    I want to extend a big thank you to the folks that participated. Today I handed over an $800 check and got to see the birds in Mary...
  • merc
    merc reacted to Ray's post in the thread plant import permits freak me out with Like Like.
    At one point of my career, I led the global logistics effort for a $500-million chemical company - a small division of Total Energies...
  • merc
    merc replied to the thread paph concolor.
    i live in pacific northwest so i am unfortunately very familiar with the smell of old wet shoes. heh!
  • merc
    merc replied to the thread paph concolor.
    Interesting! I always forget to give new blooms a sniff. I smell a very subtle whiff of wet leather shoes.
  • merc
    Hello, pretty new to slipper orchids. Got my hands on a flask recently and deflasked them last night. Just wanted to start a post to...
  • merc
    merc replied to the thread plant import permits freak me out.
    I asked DHL to explain what is going on and why SSN was necessary and this was their reply: Please note that this is asked by US...
  • merc
    merc reacted to gonewild's post in the thread plant import permits freak me out with Like Like.
    It's normal. Importing requires your tax id in case there is duty (tax) determined to be due on the value.
  • merc
    merc posted the thread paph concolor in Paphiopedilum.
    take my advice, don't try to "help" the dorsals on brachys. every time i try i end up splitting the dorsal at the tip. ☹️ pic from prior...
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