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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. orchidlife

    13 Paph species bloom at a same time

    VERY nice!!
  2. orchidlife

    New member

    Its a epidendrum. Thanks, I TRY to keep them healthy and happy! The first is an epidendrum. Bought this from Cal-Orchid in Santa Barbera about 1.5 years ago. Its hard to see but there is a third shorter spike in lower front budding up!
  3. orchidlife

    New member

    Just found a pic from 3 years ago 1 month after moving into the orchid how things have changed!!
  4. orchidlife

    New member

    Thank you!!
  5. orchidlife

    New member

    Thanks Roots! I have kinda gone Thats not including my biggies outside (zygos, cymbs and catts) and throughout the house
  6. orchidlife

    New member

    Thanks, its alot, sometimes seems overwhelming but its only work if you dont love what you do!
  7. orchidlife

    New member

    Take the room over!! When we moved into this place the plan was one room was dedicated 'the orchid room'. Best thing I ever did to further my growing abilities, not to mention my orchid
  8. orchidlife

    My flowers in bloom right now, not all slippers

    Really really love this besseae!! 1 more bud behind the flower
  9. orchidlife

    My first orchid award

    I just hope the awsomeness coninues as the plant
  10. orchidlife

    Phragmipedium Yelva Myhre #1

    Beautiful plant and flower!! I can only hope mine can produce flowers like yours, I would be happy with either!
  11. orchidlife

    My first orchid award

    Yes it does! I dont grow for awards but when this flower opened I knew it was special and the stars aligned so I could take it in! Will DEFINITELY never forget the first!!
  12. orchidlife

    Paph. Sunlight Serenade ‘Elation’

    That is a gorgeous flower, congratulations on the award!!
  13. orchidlife

    My flowers in bloom right now, not all slippers

    Its pretty white white. The phone camera doesnt do it justice and the nook lighting isnt conducive for great pics. The picture of it in the room on the rack is the best
  14. orchidlife

    My flowers in bloom right now, not all slippers

    2 open, 1 trying and 1 to go yet. Unfortunately the flowers are cocked opposite ways!
  15. orchidlife

    My flowers in bloom right now, not all slippers

    2 Open, 1 trying and 1 to