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  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to SelectOrchids's post in the thread Tall micranthum seedlings with Like Like.
    You can pot them a bit deeper, in a coarser media with lime. When I was growing and blooming micranthum under fluorescent tubes, I was...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to SelectOrchids's post in the thread New roots for new mix. with Like Like.
    I have plants in Orchiata for some years, not repotted, and there are still a lot of active roots... In Europe, there are many growers...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to limuhead's post in the thread Orchiata with Like Like.
    I don't own a ph tester. I do know from experience and from working with/for some large commercial nurseries that too much dolomite is...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to limuhead's post in the thread Orchiata with Like Like.
    Here is what seems to work for me. Step 1 soak Kiwi Bark over night, drain well and and put in a container to mix. Step 2 Add...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to limuhead's post in the thread Orchiata with Like Like.
    I would say long term, for me anyway is more than 12 months. I have been adjusting my media over the last year, as I have moved to a...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to Stone's post in the thread Orchiata with Like Like.
    Yes it will work. I've done that many times and its quite accurate (for our purposes anyway) but your plants are growing that well why...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to limuhead's post in the thread Orchiata with Like Like.
    I have been doing some experimenting, a little 'research' , and by research I mean asking some of the better commercial growers here in...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to NYEric's post in the thread Orchiata with Haha Haha.
    Son of a _ _ _ _ !! :rolleyes:
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 replied to the thread Paphiopedilum Sanderianum.
    Hello Xaviar 👋 @SelectOrchids What dolomitic limestone product would you recommend? A specific brand name and product would be great if...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to SelectOrchids's post in the thread Paphiopedilum Sanderianum with Like Like.
    The lime used is mostly for the purpose of preventing a too steep acidification... Actually, it is very poorly soluble in water, after...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to Ozpaph's post in the thread Dolomite lime for Paph. concolor with Like Like.
    Rick, isn't that the point? Wild plants adapt to what's available, not what's optimal.We are trying to grow our plants faster, bigger...
  • Russ1992
    I got this orangish whitish cast on praestans and sanderianum some years ago, at that time it was due to a very low magnesium content...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to SelectOrchids's post in the thread Culture document with Like Like.
    Just in a hurry, it is working time nonstop... Absolutely, because I have seen only few cases of true toxicity, proven by leaf...
  • Russ1992
    Russ1992 reacted to SelectOrchids's post in the thread Orchiata with Like Like.
    That's a totally different product, it is fresh Pinus radiata bark, not processed in any way, just screened for the size. Expect it to...
  • Russ1992
    So far, to make a reply over the whole thread: - The background of those studies is simple. Many growers are using Orchiata and NZ...