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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. spujr

    For Sale Flasks available

    Site looks top notch Tony! Looking forward to seeing what you offer!
  2. spujr

    Help with fertigation/fertilizer injectors

    Thank you both for sharing your experience, this is very helpful!
  3. spujr

    Help with fertigation/fertilizer injectors

    Hi, I'm modifying my setup to get irrigated with the main water line. I was wondering if anyone had advice about injectors for fertilization. I did end up finding and buying a used dosatron d25re2 injection system based on what I read on this forum. (Haven't installed it yet) There's a lot...
  4. spujr

    Paph philippinense - five spikes

    It's terrible, I think you should let me take it off your hands. 😅 Well done in the culture!
  5. spujr

    Wanted Sanderianum flask

    Water technique? You mean keeping them on a tray with water?
  6. spujr

    Wanted Sanderianum flask

    So how are your previous seedlings doing?
  7. spujr

    Paph. rothschildianum var. album

    This is about as close you can get to an rothschildianum var album (though not a "true" roth):
  8. spujr

    Wanted Sanderianum flask

    Curious how your sand flask from littlefrog is doing.
  9. spujr

    Paph anitum

    I have both growing in the same conditions and the anitum is dark green and with a bluish hint. Not suggesting anything, it's quite possible there's variation among species or even maybe my source is untrue (yet to flower).
  10. spujr

    The big Armeniacum-challenge

    Not directly but they seem to prevent water absorption of the media.
  11. spujr

    The big Armeniacum-challenge

    You sure know how to grow these! I am slowly switching away from wooden basket culture for armeniacums due to problems with white rot on the wood. Don't know exactly the fungus sp. growing but the media gets full of white round little spore-balls. The plants in plastic baskets are clean...
  12. spujr

    Paph anitum

    Leaves are greener than what I would expect from anitum.
  13. spujr

    Fertilizing via the automatic misting system? Good or bad idea?

    You might run into algae problems which may cause misters to become clogged.
  14. spujr

    Orchids 2024

    Very nice, what's the source of this plant and parentage?
  15. spujr

    Paph adductum

    Where in phils are you located? Great looking plant/ flowers. I wonder how many of these in cultivation suffer from inbreeding depression as well.