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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. pierre63

    my collection

    Cypripedium reginae (3) parviflorum californicum Phargmipedium bessae (3) lindenii Saint-Ouen Calurum Paphiopedilum armeniacum malipoense roebbelenii rothschildianum (2) stonei lowii coccineum (2) druryi henryanum villosum var. annamense villosum var. laichauense...
  2. pierre63

    Cyp. reginae

    second bloom for this one
  3. pierre63

    Cyp. kentuckiense

    first bloom at home
  4. pierre63

    my collection

    they eat only Salvia officinalis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula stoechas adult it measures 6 to 8 mm :) this photo has 4 or 5 years
  5. pierre63

    my collection

    his name is Chrysolina americana :p this one is a European or North-African species but not Asian. :wink: this is one of my preferred :D
  6. pierre63

    Phrag. Ryoko Urabe 'Pink Princess'

    wow :drool: very nice!!! pink is not my favourit color but... :eek: and realy nice pic!!!
  7. pierre63

    my collection

    I hope too :p I especially hope to see the flowers ;)
  8. pierre63

    my collection

    little upgrade Cypripedium reginae (3) parviflorum californicum Phargmipedium Saint-Ouen Calurum bessae (3) lindenii Paphiopedilum henryanum armeniacum roebbelenii stonei druryi malipoense coccineum (2) x siamense mastersianum lowii dayanum villosum var...
  9. pierre63

    Paphio mastersianum

    thanx :D uri, what your mastersianum makes?
  10. pierre63

    Paphio mastersianum

    Thank you all :D Rick : I have no secrets. I think it like my home :p Goldenrose : i agree, the stam is realy...:drool:
  11. pierre63

    Paphio mastersianum

    first bloom :D P. mastersianum et le staminode and with P. x siamense
  12. pierre63

    Best wishes

    merry christmas to all forum members :D
  13. pierre63

    Angraecum sesquipedale

    really nice plants, magnifique!!
  14. pierre63

    Angraecum sesquipedale

    félicitations, really nice plants
  15. pierre63

    Angraecum sesquipedale

    thank's, il love it too. and it feels really good at night :drool: merci Uri :)
  16. pierre63

    Angraecum sesquipedale

    it's not mine but at the house in this moment :D
  17. pierre63

    my collection

    I will receive my plants at the beginning of January. no problem for the photos ;)
  18. pierre63

    my collection

    thank's ;) the roth hybrid is P. Johanna Burkhardt. I saw some pics. I hope that it's as beautiful :drool:
  19. pierre63

    my collection

    I soon will receive : P. coccineum, P. dayanum, P. lowii, P. villosum var. annamense and P. rothschildianum x aductum.