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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Tony

    The perfect paph

    The perfect Paph has already been made, it's called Wössner Black Wings.
  2. Tony

    So, what's your perfect long petalled paph substrate?

    A bag of rockwool is more or less the cost of an average NBS seedling so I don't think the math is mathing in that plan.
  3. Tony

    So, what's your perfect long petalled paph substrate?

    Perlite and rockwool, yes.
  4. Tony

    So, what's your perfect long petalled paph substrate?

    Rockwool and LECA was the disastrous mix.
  5. Tony

    My Very First Blooming Roth

    Congrats, or perhaps condolences since you're sure to become an addict now 😂
  6. Tony

    So, what's your perfect long petalled paph substrate?

    I've been very happy with my rockwool and perlite mix but it is becoming unsustainably expensive as my collection continues to grow. The cost has doubled since COVID hit and I'm using 3-4x each year what I used to in the before times. I've started experimenting with cypress mulch and perlite for...
  7. Tony

    Habenaria Regnieri 'Rubenesque' AM/AOS

    What a great ambassador for the AOS you are. If more judges were like you I would quit.
  8. Tony

    Paph Maud- Show Worthy?

    Are you an AOS member? If so you have access to OrchidPro which has all of the AOS award records available to search, if you're interested in submitting plants for judging it is a valuable tool. It isn't always easy to evaluate a plant from photos but a quick look at the three prior awards show...
  9. Tony

    Cattleya aclandiae ‘

    Three is the minimum.
  10. Tony

    Complex Paph hybrids / bulldog Paphs... why?

    Since this thread got brought back up I'm curious what happened to Matt ****? He seemed to have a good thing going and then just disappeared.
  11. Tony

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    Well thanks to you and some other bad influences here and on Facebook the Cattleya bug finally got its claws into me. We have some super knowledgable Catt people at my judging center so I'm looking forward to their feedback when I start submitting plants.
  12. Tony

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    Other Tony wouldn't give up the goods.
  13. Tony

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    I have two nuts already and no adductum 😥
  14. Tony

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    The lottery has been good to me, both of my FCCs and one AM were from seedlings I grew out, the other AMs were first bloomers I selected from shows or online sales and rebloomed. The FCCs were both recent hybrids with only a handful of awards to the grex though, not something with 100+ years of...
  15. Tony

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    It's not that the system is set up to exclude anyone, more that in plants with an extensive award history the standard is very high. I would imagine buying an award quality species Catt is like buying an award quality roths, you're going to pay dearly because they are few and far between. The...
  16. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    Nah, it was definitely a little caterpillar of some sort, there is frass all over that flower.
  17. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    The audacity is what gets me, I can't even be that mad.
  18. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    Getting munched on by a caterpillar will do that lol
  19. Tony

    Wanted Sources for Brachypetalum

    Check with littlefrog, I believe he bought Sam's brachy collection when Orchid Inn closed.
  20. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    I'm afraid the end result is a bit anticlimactic, some ******* carterpillar scarred up the spike so it stopped growing too early, then it ate pinholes into the first bud and ruind that flower, then to top it all off IT ATE THE POLLEN. Maybe next year 😂