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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Tony

    Is $700 a year on orchids a lot?

    I really don't want to do the math lmao, I'm probably somewhere between 7-10k so far this year between plants, supplies, operating costs, memberships, travel, etc.
  2. Tony

    Hobbyist that want to start a greenhouse. Have Questions for more experienced than myself

    If you want to see younger folks get more involved I would suggest not opening the conversation with insults and tired cable news talking points about them.
  3. Tony

    Hobbyist that want to start a greenhouse. Have Questions for more experienced than myself

    Paph Paradise is the primo spot now, selection may not be quite as large as OI but the plants are top quality. You couldn't pay me to take a plant from Norman.
  4. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    Running a bit late this year but with a fifth bud to make up for it, my favorite PEoY. It is normally an early June bloomer. It first bloomed in 2019, then took three years to mature another growth, lost the original flowing growth along the way and bloomed weakly last year. Since changing my...
  5. Tony


    I can't wait for these to make their way to the USA. It feels like we're the only country affected by CITES sometimes.
  6. Tony

    Paph anitum culture

    Not Paphs but the difference between k-lite feeding and urea/ammonium based feeding is clear as day in these Catasetinae.
  7. Tony

    Paph anitum culture

    I certainly won't claim to have mastered the care of anitum yet but mine have started growing significantly faster since I moved away from k-lite to Xavier's feed and put them on the heat mat with my compots.
  8. Tony

    Paph anitum culture

    It's both lol
  9. Tony

    Pale yellowish leaves - why????

    Animal waste would provide both, and ammonia is the first nitrogenous compound produced when any organic material decays. Conversion of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate occurs through bacterial metabolism.
  10. Tony

    Cattleya eldorado (syn: wallisii) pentaflamea ‘Kastaliya’

    Told you I wasn't a Catt guy lol
  11. Tony

    Cattleya eldorado (syn: wallisii) pentaflamea ‘Kastaliya’

    Awarded under a different name? This is all that comes up for eldorado when I search.
  12. Tony

    Cattleya eldorado (syn: wallisii) pentaflamea ‘Kastaliya’

    What about flower count? I see two awards to eldorado in Orchidpro, one from 1965 with no data or description recorded but the more recent one was from 2009 with four 15.5 cm flowers. Granted I'm not a judge or a Cattleya guy but that seems like the sort of plant the judges in my center would...
  13. Tony

    A new grex flowering?

    It's a nice flower but no trace of sanderianum or gigantifolium there. Perhaps an accidental selfing of Shin-yi Williams?
  14. Tony

    Pale yellowish leaves - why????

    I'm glad my plants don't know how to read AOS caresheets.
  15. Tony

    Seeking info on Malipoense ‘Dark Stripes’ x ‘Woo Dark’

    There is a thread about it, some guy bought all the plants and froze them. Piping Rock new owner
  16. Tony

    Cattleya walkeriana fm. semialba hv. perola (fm. flamea?) ‘Cherry Lips’

    Thanks for the explanation. I'm not big on Catts but from observing at my center that seemed like the sort of thing that would get a plant screened.
  17. Tony

    Cattleya walkeriana fm. semialba hv. perola (fm. flamea?) ‘Cherry Lips’

    It is a very pretty flower but would those notches in the petals not be a fatal flaw at judging? I don't see any plants with them in the recent award record after scrolling through the last five years of awards.
  18. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    Better than I thought it would be.
  19. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    Unfortunately I'm not allowed. I'm being forced to grow them against my will.
  20. Tony

    Paph Season 2023

    Hilo Bald Eagle fully open before it goes to live on a farm. I'm pretty happy with the curtisii and look forward to it blooming on a more mature plant. The five budded WBW blasted three buds and partially opened one before I cut it, I'll give it another chance but I don't have high hopes...