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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. S


    I have been battling white scale for a number of years now, but not mostly on Phrag. It has been difficult to deal with. My latest attempt is an insect growth regulator called Enstar. It has a good reputation, but it also is quite expensive (may see if any other members of my local orchid...
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    Bulbo. plumatum

    First bloom for me. Was pleased. Wonder what it will look like when it's a mature plant.
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    Tolumnia Golden Sunset "Lisa"

    I have had similar success with Tolumnia, in a process I made up myself. Presently I put them into a small net pot, fill with calcined (monto) clay that I get from Bonsai Jack (LECA might work also), and then put that into a clay pot that has been lined with moss, and mist daily, water every 4...
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    Paph philippinense alba X Kolosand

    I also have one of these in first bloom--appears to be from the same breeding, but purchased from Paph Paradise. I was not looking for alba in coloration, so am pleased with the result. My expectation was for smaller size from the philippinense, flower count from the kolopakingii and shape...
  5. S

    Orchid Zone sokd again!

    This is not a serious business strategy. OZ traditionally has thousands of unbloomed crosses to sell at a set price, not a few plants here and here to be sold to the highest bidder. This will not "pay the bills." Has anyone "dropped by" to see what's going on? I have a street address...
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    Commercial Cyp grower from the Netherlands

    Indeed. Maybe there's a business opportunity here for someone, as at least some of the species are North American, and all of them are temperate and would probably do well outside in many parts of the U.S. If they can survive MN winters (C. reginae is the state flower, I believe), not to...
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    A smaller pic of the phrag!!!

    Shows how clunky this system is for photos. Ugh.
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    Commercial Cyp grower from the Netherlands

    But wouldn't it be remarkable if these plants become widely cultivated, particularly both as pot plants as well as garden. If they can be propagated widely enough, they could become rather common. I wonder, also, what the long-term consequences of interspecific breeding will be, particularly...
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    Commercial Cyp grower from the Netherlands

    Thanks. I won't either.
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    Commercial Cyp grower from the Netherlands

    I believe this should be the missing page.
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    Commercial Cyp grower from the Netherlands

    Cultivating Cypripediums with Success in the Garden The Dropbox files are single pdfs. I'll try again as individual jpgs via Photobucket. First Growing Cypripediums with Success in the Garden.
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    Commercial Cyp grower from the Netherlands

    Dutch growing cyps in the greenhouse for the pot and garden trade The most recent issue of the British magazine The Alpine Gardener )(Sept. 2013) published two articles entitled "The Great Cypripedium Revolution" and "Cultivating Cypridediums with Success in the Garden." It seems the Dutch...
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    Phrag. dalessandroi x kovachii

    Here are the other two photos via Photobucket. Now if I can just figure out how to post a "too large" pdf.
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    Phrag. dalessandroi x kovachii

    Let me try one from Photobucket.
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    Phrag. dalessandroi x kovachii

    Photo Here's a photo of the plant.
  16. S

    Orchid Zone sokd again!

    I don't know if anything has changed, but when I used to buy from them wholesale, the packing and shipper were excellent. Harvey I have not seen their eBay descriptions. I'll have a look.
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    Phrag. dalessandroi x kovachii

    Flickr didn't work. Let's try Photobucket. Would be nice if I could just dumb down the picture in Photoshop and upload it directly. Harvey
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    Phrag. dalessandroi x kovachii

    I'm not impressed with this software, but trying again. Harvey