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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. T

    Paph. Prince Edward of York

    A really nice one- right on the edge for me in terms of keep/don't keep. First bloom - 4 flowers. Blooms consistent except for degree of "shrugging" of petals. This second flower is the best overall but also shows the most shrugging. Dorsal its best feature I think, both in size and in...
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    Paph. rothschildianum 'Black Eagle' x 'Knight Challenge' SM/JOGA

    It was a close call for me Ozpaph. My issue right now is space. Looking to see what blooms next, but I may end up wishing I had kept this one. Luckily I know where it is- so I can trade to get it back maybe :)
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    Paph. rothschildianum 'Black Eagle' x 'Knight Challenge' SM/JOGA

    Just sold it to my neighbor lol. She went nuts when she saw it. It's fun to see people react to roth for the first time. Some people go nuts and some react like they are looking at a giant gross insect.
  4. T

    Paph. rothschildianum 'Black Eagle' x 'Knight Challenge' SM/JOGA

    Thank you. I have one other in bud right now and expecting more to come. The bloom spike is growing much taller- which is good- but the buds are still quite tiny and the first one had mechanical damage and died very small. So it will be a couple of weeks before there are results. Fingers crossed!
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    Paph. rothschildianum 'Black Eagle' x 'Knight Challenge' SM/JOGA

    First bloom on a single growth with 84 cm natural spread. 1 flower so far still adjusting its petal stance but I think about done widening. 3 additional buds- 2 of which will open. 4th- too soon to tell, but developing. Nice color in the pouch. 24 cm spread. Dorsal width in the "has a great...
  6. T

    What is the best roth cross?

    Thank you for all your posts and the dialogue. It is a complicated picture and there are differences between intentions and outcomes that have to matter to me if I am going to wade back into the commercial side of things. Whatever my current or future feelings (and I think we agree in a great...
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    What is the best roth cross?

    Beautiful flower, but yikes that dorsal. Have you seen many or any true roths with a dorsal that wide and relatively rounded versus elongated?
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    What is the best roth cross?

    Thank you @Roth for your considered reply. I appreciate it very much. On roth colonies- I certainly defer to your expertise. I was referring to the 3 populations generally known and for which I have documentation of study. It would not surprise me to know there are other populations- I just do...
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    What is the best roth cross?

    'Raptor' crosses are definitely an outlier. I only bloomed out two - both the World Cup x Raptor and purchased as young seedlings. I wish I had taken photographs at the time, but I did not yet know of any controversy. Ray posted one here from New Horizon x Raptor - Paph rothschildianum (New...
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    What is the best roth cross?

    I will start this long post addressing the increasingly overt accusations that Orchid Inn has deliberately sold mislabeled seedlings of Paphiopedilum rothschildianum on a grand scale. I have known Sam for over 20 years, during which time I have grown out hundreds of his flasks. Now that Sam is...
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    For Sale Sold- thank you

    Many thanks! I will PM you this evening.
  12. T

    For Sale Sold- thank you

    Good morning all, As some of you know, I have been on the fence the last few years about whether to stay strictly a hobbyist, or branch out a bit further with my occasional show/lecture sales to make a second career of selling orchids at the very high end on a small scale as a side- and...
  13. T

    What is the best roth cross?

    It really all depends on the pricing, but generally speaking if I were actively seeking a roth cross to bloom out and wanted the best combination of time frame and price (and availability), then I would probably go for plants with a 24-30cm leaf span. The world is awash with rothschildianum...
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    What is the best roth cross?

    This is a tough question unique to rothschildianum given the fact that it has been intensely sibbed for 4-5 generations now (and a few prior on a lesser scale in highly skilled hands) and continues to advance in quality and garner awards at the highest level. I do not know if it is the most...
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    For Sale 31-growth Paph.armeniacum - lifetime opportunity! SOLD!!

    If this is a different cultivar than the 6 growth division you sold me last week, I would also be interested in a smaller piece.
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    For Sale Paph.armeniacum: 6-growth bareroot division. Rare opportunity!

    Plant received. Thank you! This is really incredible- in person this is about the healthiest looking armeniacum clump I have ever seen. And this really gives me hope to have such a vigorous parent in an eventual sib cross that can hopefully lead to an easier to grow population for long term...
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    For Sale Paph.armeniacum: 6-growth bareroot division. Rare opportunity!

    I would like this please. Can pay tonight when I get home (I have Paypal). Am in Texas and can mail heat packs to you if needed. Can also send you a prepaid Fed-Ex or UPS label. A plant this rare- I will pay to get it express delivered.
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    After 40 years - rethinking my place in the world of orchids

    Thanks everyone for the continued good feedback. A final thought to recap and address some of the more recent posts at a high level, Given the very nature of what the AOS Judging system is- namely a select group of highly trained individuals working in a somewhat insular fashion to confer...
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    Mealy bugs - missed a treatment

    Thanks everyone- looks like I am going to do another round. @Ray if you have specific suggestions- I am all ears. I grow indoors but I do have a safe area outside to apply treatments and allow the plants to dry before bringing them back in. @Tom-DE - yes, I am using that treatment at present...
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    Mealy bugs - missed a treatment

    Good evening all, I was doing so well. Very minor outbreak of mealies with just a few Phals a while back. I isolated them in time and did 3 weekly treatments with 3 in 1- thoroughly spraying tops and bottoms of leaves, base of plant etc. I really soaked them good. After week 3 they were...