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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Brabantia

    paphio fertilization

    And how ppm or mgr/L nitrogen for full strenght ?
  2. Brabantia

    paphio fertilization

    That's very imprecise information! All year round with a dilute solution, it could be once every 2 weeks with a solution containing 20 ppm nitrogen. This question deserves more precision. Please specify the exact nitrogen concentration (or specify the weight of fertilizer per gallon and the NPK...
  3. Brabantia

    Growing cattleyas at me

    A brief comment about adding tap water. This not only raises the pH of the fertilizer solution, but also counteracts the pH decrease of the substrate, as would the addition of dolomite or oyster shells. When watering with rainwater, you can also add a little tap water for the same reason. This...
  4. Brabantia

    Growing cattleyas at me

    I use a conductivity meter purchased from Its accuracy is quite sufficient for our orchids. If you calibrate the conductivity meter with a solution of known conductivity, your reading can't be wrong. You can buy a 0.005M KCL solution with a conductivity of 718 µS/cm at 25°C.
  5. Brabantia

    Growing cattleyas at me

    @dodidoki As for exemple for Masdevallia, I prepare a solution at 40 ppm nitrogen (from 15-5-15). This solution is prepared in a mixture of rainwater and tap water: 40 ml of tap water per liter. I need to add one or two drops of 1molar KOH to achieve a pH of 6.1-6.2. The EC of this solution is...
  6. Brabantia

    Growing cattleyas at me

    All forms of calcium are absorbed by the roots. If you fertilize with MSU fertilizer at 50 to 65 ppm nitrogen, you'll see Cattleya leaves become hard. Calcium is in the form of nitrate in this fertilizer. As long as the Ca is in solution, it is absorbed by the roots. Calcium in tap water is in...
  7. Brabantia

    Growing cattleyas at me

    @dodidoki You mentioned that you use Peters CalMag fertilizer. When this fertilizer is dissolved in rainwater, have you noticed that it causes a significant drop in the pH of the solution? At the beginning of this year I experimented with this fertilizer and had to add tap water (10%) to bring...
  8. Brabantia

    Zygonisia (Z. Advance Australia x Zns. Cynosure)

    Beautifum flowering. Is cultivation a bit tricky? Growing like a zigopetalum?
  9. Brabantia

    Stan. tigrina

    Beautiful flowering. What are the dimensions of your plant or pot? I have two such plants which have been grown in 17 cm (7") diameter pots for at least 10 years ..... they have never flowered. The pots have no bottom, replaced by a grid with 10 mm (3/8") mesh and a layer of sphagnum. What are...
  10. Brabantia

    Mealy bugs o my

    Since Imidachloprid-based products have been banned in Belgium, I've been successfully using 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted 5 times. I add 2 ml IPA per 100ml solution and a drop of wetting agent (Triton). I apply this mixture either with a brush or by spraying the whole plant. Of course, this...
  11. Brabantia

    paph Quantum Angel

    I like it ! I never see this plant for sale here in Europa .
  12. Brabantia

    Masdevallia nidifica

    Beautiful ! Do you cultivate your Masdie outdoor ?
  13. Brabantia

    Paph anitum culture

    It's a pity that all this information on fertilizing Paphios is drowned out by the main topic, which is growing Paphiopedilum anitum. How will we find these very interesting informations in 3 or 5 years' time? Thank you Xavier for sharing your experience of growing Paphios. As a chemist by...
  14. Brabantia

    Pale yellowish leaves - why????

    Do you remember this PDF from Floricultura Holland: Peters 20-20-20 (plenty Urea) mixed with Calcium nitrate. The ratio 6 parts 20-20-20 and 3 parts Calcium nitrate leads to a NNitrate to NNH3 ratio of 0.83 . More ammoniacal...
  15. Brabantia


    Beautiful !
  16. Brabantia

    Paphiopedilum delenatii v. vinicolor double header

    Beautiful flowering. I have also the same clone from Assendorfer. When I fertilize this plant I'm always a bit puzzled. I know that in nature papiopedilum delenatii thrives on a slightly acidic substrate. So I'm wondering whether I can fertilize it with a fertilizer containing calcium and...
  17. Brabantia

    Another Cattleya mossiae

    Beautiful !
  18. Brabantia

    Changes in the US Garden Nursery industry

    In Belgium there are still two orchid sellers. Petrens a company that is more than 100 years old has just closed. The cost of energy and labor have been the reason for the others. They were companies that had as income only the cultivation and the sale of orchids