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  1. Russ1992 website not working

    I see regarding mini cubes. Thank you so much for this Ray!!
  2. Russ1992

    Potting Question

    What's your temperature range, relative humidity, frequency of watering, and chip size?
  3. Russ1992

    …And how’s your week been?

    As tragic as this is I can tell you are a strong person and the fact that you reached out here shows just how courageous you are. Hopefully things have gotten better since.
  4. Russ1992

    Potting Question

    You're roots look awesome! But there doesn't appear to be a lot of aeration. I wonder how you're able to get them to thrive when your media looks so dense...
  5. Russ1992

    Rock Wool + LECA

    Hey Ray so far what technique for mixing has worked best for you? 1. LECA+ ROCKWOOL evenly mixed in top to bottom 2. Leca + Rockwool alternating in layers. Leca, rockwool, leca, rockwool. 3. Leca 66% bottom 33% rockwool on the top.
  6. Russ1992

    Some paphs I have

    Nice work. Clearly an expert
  7. Russ1992

    Snowy Delenatii

    You're culture is clearly exceptional
  8. Russ1992

    Paphiopedilum malipoense

    Nicest grow space I've ever seen.
  9. Russ1992 website not working

    You're too kind Ray. Looking for Culture on Paph vietnamese, Phal sumatrana, and Phal borneensis. BTW looks like you're not selling rock wool now. No complaints here but any reason why?
  10. Russ1992 website not working

    Thanks! I reached out to him maybe 2 days ago so will give it some time.
  11. Russ1992 website not working

    Has anyone used the website recently to subscribe to orchid culture sheets? I never received an invoice for a paid subscription nor the two honorary culture sheets. This is the Charles and Marg Baker website I'm talking about specifically.
  12. Russ1992

    Soaking before fertilizing?

    This makes total sense, and to be sure, you are THE man so I trust your judgment. I have a friend who used to be big in the paph world say around the 80's - 90's and his name is Kevin Porter. He told me to do the flushing first and then the fert but I agree with you ultimately Ray. BTW do you...
  13. Russ1992

    Soaking before fertilizing?

    But what if ones water isn't as clean as yours? I need to use water from the tap that's 275+ ppm and then when you add msu forget about it.
  14. Russ1992

    Rusty neck

    This This is exceptional advice I really appreciate it Jens. I will be doing this for sure.
  15. Russ1992

    Rusty neck

    I have applied Copper, Thiomyl, Physan, and Hydrogen Peroxide to mine as well to no avail. I don't have the leave dieback that you experienced though. I was starting to suspect a pest issue as well but I can't find any spider mites and I don't see any Mealybugs.
  16. Russ1992

    Rust orange spotted flecks on leaves

    Update: Treated with Physan, Thiomyl, Copper, and Hydrogen Peroxide and nothing worked! I put the afflicted paphs outside so they have plenty of air movement. They have all become very poor growers. Only producing new sprouts when the previous leaf is stuck at a newborn size of an inch. Will let...
  17. Russ1992

    Rust orange spotted flecks on leaves

    I appreciate it guys! You're the experts. For the time being Sam at Orchid Inn and David at Paph paradise told me to drench or spray it weekly with hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 weeks. Will let you know bit so far I haven't seen any changes.
  18. Russ1992

    Rust orange spotted flecks on leaves

    I'm actually talking to him right now lol. He wants culture specifics like crazy. Will post when. I find out more.
  19. Russ1992

    Rust orange spotted flecks on leaves

    Hey crew I'm having a hell of a time with this orange spotting on the leaves of my paphs. I have no idea what it is or how to stop it. What's worse is its affected all my paphs. See the images of this badly affected sukuhuli. I purchased it from Sam at Orchid Inn.
  20. Russ1992

    Phal. borneensis

    Marin where did you purchase them?