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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Paph Paradise

    2023 Paph Forum

    Paph Paradise will be selling there. It's been a while and the Forum is a great group. Dave
  2. Paph Paradise

    Family of Appletonianums

    LOL...I read it a few times and it just seemed awkwardly worded, but I had to ask. I know Leslie usually buys selects in bloom. These ones originated in Europe. I dumped our old line that came from Hawaii as they looked suspicious. Staminodes were a little inconsistent and we want our species...
  3. Paph Paradise

    Family of Appletonianums

    What makes buying plants 'this vendor' a 'gamble'? All of our spikes are short this fall. It's a combination of unseasonably hot weather (117 F in September!) and the fact that we didn't get the greenhouse whitewashed this year. The extra bright light compounds the heat accumulation. When it's...
  4. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum spicerianum with green dorsal

    Olaf described it as fma. burkhardii, but I don't think it was accepted. link to publication but you need to login to download it. He sent me a copy but it's in German.
  5. Paph Paradise

    Paph urbanianum

    Why did I have to find this here rather than in an email? I don't come here very day, and I certainly don't read every thread. These plants came from flasks that originated in Germany. I wanted to get some new blood to add to my OZ lines. Probably not a hybrid, just not very impressive...
  6. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum spicerianum

    This flower has a blotch instead of the distinctive cross on the staminodal shield. I'm not a taxonomist, but I showed the photo to one and he agreed that it is likely a hybrid. Still a very attractive flower! Dave
  7. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum spicerianum

    Very likely a hybrid. Most of the spicerianum on the market are. If you are curious as to why: check this out Dave
  8. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise flask sale

    For the next 2 weeks take 20% off our list prices. We want to clear the shelves before it cools off too much. Whatever isn't sold will be potted up in 2 weeks. Some items are in very limited quantities. Paph Paradise flask page
  9. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise/Tokyo Orchids Fall flask lists

    We have a new flask list posted as of today including some interesting new crosses and Paphiopedilum tigrinum! Also a new list from Tokyo Orchid Nursery. Check them out here: Fall 2022 flask lists
  10. Paph Paradise

    Paphs in baskets?

    I have seen someone in Central FL growing everything in moss with decent results. The roots seem to have adapted to the fairly wet media and the plants have enough water to get through extreme heat. My concern is the high pH of your water. At that high level some nutrients are not available...
  11. Paph Paradise

    What's Everyone's Experience with Paphiopedilum vietnamense?

    Sorry, I don't know what it was. Some sort of a powdered formula. Thanks to the pot industry there are many of these preparations out there at hydroponics stores now. I plan to do a trial with a few of them when I find the time. Just be careful as the liquid ones usually create a very acidic...
  12. Paph Paradise

    What's Everyone's Experience with Paphiopedilum vietnamense?

    This species can be a bit of a pain. They are subjected to a very wet monsoon in the summer, but they grow on limestone cliffs so they are never sitting in water. The winters are dry, but cool enough to provide heavy dew. We like to give them good drainage and extra calcium in the mix in the...
  13. Paph Paradise

    New flask list at Paph Paradise

    We don't usually receive much material from the lab in the summer, but we have a few new items. There are a couple of exceptional rothschildianum crosses among them. Flask page The roth flasks are also listed separately on this page: roth flasks These flasks will only be listed for a month...
  14. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    'Paradise City' came from the Orchid Zone ('Red Rider' x 'Buff'), 'Big Papa' is from Krull-Smith ('Black Diamond' x 'Atticus' AM/AOS). Dave
  15. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    Our new list is now posted. We lost about 75 crosses trying various labs across the country, but we have a good supply of new material on its way. You can find our flaks list here: Spring 2022 flask list
  16. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. furling (???)

    Whats the 'uniqueness' of these? Not much other than they seem to be smaller plants. If they are a valid sub-species or variety, it is worth maintaining the gene pool. Dave
  17. Paph Paradise

    Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. furling (???)

    There isn't much information out there on this potential variety. The staminodal shield does differ slightly from hirsutissimum. We will sib a couple plants and see how stable this is in the next generation. Dave
  18. Paph Paradise

    New flask list at Paph Paradise

    We finally have some new things to offer. There has been a dry period while we searched for a new lab. Over 70 pods went into 'black holes' as we sent material all over the country...that's too many lost crosses! Now we have a reliable producer for our flasks and the availability list is...
  19. Paph Paradise

    Paph rungsuriyanum

    They have to be seized by US Fish & Wildlife and sent to a certified rescue center. The plants produced at the rescue center are the ones that are legal. Dave
  20. Paph Paradise

    Paph rungsuriyanum

    This species has never been legally exported from the country of origin (Laos) with CITES. You can get them with CITES from Thailand, but without a paper trail from the country of origin that CITES is useless. Unfortunately CITES does nothing to protect endangered plants. Plants were lumped in...