Looks great! I have one which has made an initial spike but halted and has been focued on making two new growths.
I wondered if you have any tips for encouraging flowering next time.
Just going by the first photo, first thing I would do is move the plant far away from any others. Second would be to inspect closely all your other plants.
Already bent my rule on keeping to smaller plants, but I think it is worth it in this case. The wardii flower took abit of a knock in the post.
Phrag. Wossner Supergrande
Paph. wardii alba
After a few years doing the minimum to keep my current small collection going I moved places and decided I wanted to come back to orchids and take it abit more seriously. I will still grow on windowsills so I'll be focusing on smaller paphs and phrags.
I wanted to get off to a good start with a...
One of my favourites ever since visiting a botanical garden in Lisbon and seeing huge pots full of these. So many leaves everywhere it was like wavey grass, and 50+ flowers.
This is a really nice one!