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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. J

    Den. aggregatum

    This finished blooming a few weeks ago. It was the best blooming yet, but was one week late for our society meeting. One of my favorites.
  2. J

    Paph. anitum #2 (29/5 updated very dark dorsal!!)

    Look at that bud!!
  3. J

    Cattleya purpurata striata

    A beautiful sight. Love the effect of the striata.
  4. J

    Paph. callosum

    A beautiful thing. Looks like it's soaring skyward!
  5. J

    Paphiopedilum delenatii var. Dunkel

    That is a real cutie-pie!
  6. J

    Paph. micranthum var. eburneum 'Goldfinch'

    Petite and lovely!:smitten:
  7. J

    Bulbo purpureorachis

    Really superb! I wish I could grow it. It will get BIG, but only more and more beautiful.
  8. J

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks Dot! It's one of my favorite species.
  9. J

    Paph. Doll's Kobold

    Thanks Ross. I like that it favors charlesworthii. It's put on 4 new growths since the fall so I'm hoping for multiple flowers this year.
  10. J

    Paph. vietnamense

    :rollhappy: I'm glad you all like this plant! It opened on Tues. 3/22 and judging is 4/9 so if it still looks good I will try to take it in. I'm giving it a clonal name, 'Pink Pagoda'. I think it deserves that even if it doesn't get an award. If someone wants pollen just let me know.
  11. J

    Paph. Doll's Kobold

    Photo from our display a couple of years ago. Plant from Ross at Deerwood Orchids.
  12. J

    Paph. vietnamense

    I'm so excited to bloom this! Received it in a trade last October. Sorry for the washed out photo, need real camera or better phone for pics. Opened on Tuesday, hopefully it will bloom for more than a week. Happy Easter!
  13. J

    Hi everyone!

    Wildflowers in my living room Well I don't have trillium or may apples over here, but when I see the in situ photos on this site of plants like Paph. purpuratum, that is what I think of. They are the tropical wildflowers of India.
  14. J

    Phal schilleriana var purpurea

    My phillipinensis Sorry for the overexposure.
  15. J

    Phal schilleriana var purpurea

    I have Phal. phillipinensis and the back of the flower is a beautiful rosy color. My vote is for phillipinensis .
  16. J

    Last WE at Dresden orchid show

    Love the dramatic lighting, very atmospheric!