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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Phrag. Judge Philip.

    Sorry !! Yet another senior typing moment!!!! Ed
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    Phrag. Judge Philip.

    Not quite open but I think it's looking OK. Ed
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    Phragmipedium Grande

    Hi Robert. It's just a straight forward Grande I'm pleased to say. Ed
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    Phragmipedium Grande

    Hi Tom. Hope this picture suffices. Ed
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    Phragmipedium Grande

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    The Bloom Process ahnd Guess the parentage

    I would have thought if it was phillipinense specie it would be carrying more than one bud------- but it's not unusual for me to be wrong! Will be beautiful when it finally opens. Ed
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    I agree fully on what you say Tom. Sorry if you dissaproved of my post but I'm an old man and after living thru the complete 2nd world war there is not much the man in the strret can do about the ways of the world so I was just,rightly or wrongly, trying to put a lighter note on things. My...
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    On a lighter note the Muslim weather forecast for today is sunny in the morning and shi'ite in the afternoon. Hope this doesn't offend anyone.
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    Anybody else keep shelldwellers, cichlids, or other fish?

    I started tropical fishkeeping with a couple of guppies in my mothers the mid 40's then progressed over the next 25years to owning a shop and importing livestock from S. America and the Asian countries. Whent on to importing marines from Rodney Jonklass from Ceylon. Ended this...
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    sangii on a stalk!!

    So sorry the measurement should have read 26cms. Ed
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    Phragmipedium Memoria Garren Weaver?

    Congrats. Beautifully photographed. Ed
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    Paph. charlesworthii big pouch

    It's a cracker. Beautiful. Ed
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    sangii on a stalk!!

    And the full plant with the mother plant measuring 16cms x 126cms. Ed
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    sangii on a stalk!!

    The plant out of its pot. Ed
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    sangii on a stalk!!

    Can't plant this one deeper because it would bury the other growth also can't build it up for the same reason. I will check to see if the secondary growth is attached and will take a pic when out of the pot. Ed
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    sangii on a stalk!!

    Are there any explanations as to why this is growing on a stalk? I have had it as a small plant for 4years. During this time growth was ( and still is ) very slow. It is now quite a large plant with a single growth which is in the correct position in the substrate. Never seen this before ----...
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    Welcome Orchid Boy from the best part of the UK. Been keeping orchids for over 40yrs and still cruising the web for information on Phrags,Paphs, Cattleyas and Angraecums and hopefully learning all the time. Love your small collection and best of luck for the future. Ed
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    Paph. philipinense x pinocchio.

    First paph I have flowered in three years. This is a very compact plant that last bloomed almost 4 years ago,so compact I can't count the growths. It has three spikes and I think only bloomed because I gave it extra light with 2 Gro-Lux tubes and 2 T5's Ed
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    Phragmipedium Eric Young

    At my age and being computer illiterate ( can't even post more than one pic at a time ) I wouldn't have any idea about urls and things----Sorry! Ed
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    Phragmipedium Eric Young

    Thanks Cheyenne. I will re-lable this plant Nichole Tower. Ed