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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Wanted Paph Morganiae

    Greg was a speaker for one of our local orchid society's just the other day. When he does a presentation he brings divisions of orchids from Long wood gardens. You can always send him an e-mail and ask that when a division be made that you would like to be able to purchase it. He can be...
  2. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Paph Tiny Leopard 'Deerwood Too' AM/AOS

    Ross, I have to agree, that is superb. I also think that there is starting to be a much larger market for the mini Paphs, don't you?
  3. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Paphiopedilum King of Sweden

    Everyone is entitled to there own option and mine apparently is different than yours in this case. I feel he should repot because it will replace all of bark (be it only 4 months old) where the mealies MAY be hiding. Plus while you have it unpotted you can easily spray the roots or dunk the...
  4. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Paphiopedilum King of Sweden

    I still STRONGLY suggest you do it again. It is a little more work but worth it in the end.
  5. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    paph Wössner Greymic

    Nice looking flower. Love that is maintaining the micranthum shape.
  6. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    First Deflasking: Paph. spicerianum

    Those are pretty large considering they just came out of flask. Hope they do well for you. Personally I prefer to keep them all together in one compot but that is just my preference.
  7. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Paph Shun-fa Golden and micranthum var eburneum bud watch

    Looks like that Liberty Taiwan x Norito Hasegawa is going to be very nice. Where you pick up that guy?
  8. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Koopman Orchids now online

    Just curious, and have a couple of questions. Where on the site does it state that this just the beginning and not complete? Possible you heard that elsewhere? So are you stating that we must have CITES paperwork on our end in order to order a few plants?
  9. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Pollen library

    Rob, how long before you know if the crosses take?
  10. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Yellowing/Dying Leaves on parvisepalums

    I don’t feel that you have anything to worry about. Seems fairly normal to me. Maybe others can give us more insight.
  11. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Pollen library

    That is very generous of you Rob. Hope to see some new crosses in the future with this pollen.
  12. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Was busy for a short time on Saturday morning

    I never was great at growing from flask especially seeing that I'm using natural light in the house. I lost many a flask while using a bark mix. Now, I use straight sphagnum moss in those short pots. That photo was right after I potted them up. I then put on the plastic clear domes to keep...
  13. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Was busy for a short time on Saturday morning

    These little guys arrived on Friday and had to be planted out. These are Orchid Inn breeding received threw Rob.
  14. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Plants Update After 8 weeks’ Absence

    I’ve left seedlings in large clear plastic containers for a few weeks at a time with no problems. Give it a try.
  15. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Sold Phragmipedium Peruflora's Cirila Alca

    Just tap on the name below their photo . Then tap on start a conversation.
  16. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Paphiopedilum barbigerum var aureum 'Steal My Sunshine' HCC/AOS

    Very nice and something to be proud of. May I ask what size leaf span you need to bloom these as well as the size of the pot that they’re residing in?
  17. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Wanted BS Paph druryi (for $$$ or trade for my tigrinum)

    Flask and Flora, what is considered blooming size on this species?
  18. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Zygopetalum bloom after 2 years!

    Very nice. I struggle blooming these as well. I was told low light and couldn't bloom mine so eventually put it in high light and it bloomed. I water mine almost every day.
  19. Bob in Albany  N.Y.

    Phrag. Inca Rose x manzurii

    Thanks for the registered name, now all I need is a photo.