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  1. silence882

    Dividing a plant 3 years overdue

    I'll be keeping the nicest one for myself, obviously. And will have the rest for several months as they root. Soaked it for a couple hours before starting, then spent another couple hours untangling. Even so, many healthy roots were lost. But the divisions should bounce back.
  2. silence882

    Dividing a plant 3 years overdue

    At the moment I could reasonably handle a specimen helenae in my cabinet. That's about it. This one was growing like crazy. Sure - when it's warmed up a bit and they've had some time to root.
  3. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet

    I only drink cold, delicious Coca-Cola Classic. But the 'chids get r/o water.
  4. silence882

    Dividing a plant 3 years overdue

    I bought this at the PF about 10 years ago :D
  5. silence882

    Dividing a plant 3 years overdue

    Paph. Freckles 'White Sapphire'. I've been lazy the past few years and just repotted it. But I grow indoors and it was taking up way too much space.
  6. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet

    Hmmm I use CAL-MAG Plus at 2 mL per gallon. About twice a month but I'm not overly careful on the schedule. The Green Hornet is constantly in bloom and this is the first spike that has wonky blooms. There are 2 other spikes currently blooming normally. Maybe I over-supplemented it without...
  7. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet

    Now my longifolium has a butt pouch. I can only conclude that my orchid cabinet is haunted.
  8. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet

    I use Cal-Mag a couple times a month. But I've been doing that for years...
  9. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet
  10. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet

    So the next flower on this spike - not so elegant...
  11. silence882

    Peloric Phrag Green Hornet

    I got a wonky bloom with 2 mirror-image pouches on my Phrag Green Hornet (longifolium x pearcei). I just wish it was genetically stable because I kinda like it. Normal bloom: The color's not quite right in the photos since they were taken under my grow lights, but you get the idea --Stephen
  12. silence882

    Another Phrag Stephen Manza

    I know it's difficult, but you should try to keep the jealous tone out of your responses. One day Phrag Eric Callender will bloom nicely!
  13. silence882

    Another Phrag Stephen Manza

    Unfortunately, I dunno. I grow inside so my orchids don't get the Maryland summer heat.
  14. silence882

    Another Phrag Stephen Manza

    Calling this a triumph of the human spirit only undersells it a little. Green Hornet x Barbara LeAnn --Stephen
  15. silence882

    Need opinions on this one - besseae complex

    Not yet, but it's still small.
  16. silence882

    Spiranthes lacera

    I found this one last month. I was skimming my photos app and realized I forgot to share :D
  17. silence882

    Spiranthes lacera

  18. silence882

    Need opinions on this one - besseae complex

    Hi all, I grew this from a flask I bought as dalessandroi. But it doesn't look like one to me. I suspect it's a Jersey (besseae x dalessandroi) or some other mix of dalessandroi and besseae. This is its second blooming. I've bloomed 3 others and they all had a similar shape. What do you...
  19. silence882


    I agree. Staminode's not quite correct for a pure spicerianum. Did the dorsal ever reflex?
  20. silence882

    Phrag Stephen Manza

    I've also moved to mostly Phrags. They're just so much easier... I will have a list for you presently 😈