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  1. likespaphs

    paphiopedilum helenae

    Paph helenae alba may be my absolute favorite
  2. likespaphs

    Paph. charlesworthii alba

  3. likespaphs


    I do love Amorphophallus (and some other aroid).
  4. likespaphs

    Paphiopedilum thaianum

  5. likespaphs

    Fungus gnats and no Gnatrol

    there are beneficial nematodes out there that are fairly inexpensive and unbelievably effective
  6. likespaphs

    Epiphytic Paphs?

    I thought lowii can be at time too, but i'm not sure
  7. likespaphs

    Paph. sukhakulii gone wrong

    Cool! I've had other weird things happen, but not that Could have been just a flub or possibly some damage at a crucial time Have you bloomed it before? Was it normal then?
  8. likespaphs

    Paph. x hermannii

    love this species/natural hybrid(?)!
  9. likespaphs


    I'm sorry that things are difficult but I'm glad you're able to keep at least a few around Wishing you the best
  10. likespaphs

    Phragmipedium pearcei

  11. likespaphs

    paphiopedilum spicerianum f. immaculatum ?

    is the lack of the dorsal stripe what makes it f. immaculatum?
  12. likespaphs

    Paph Memoria Gisèle Ostiguy

    maybe Paph. Bel Royal x Paph. Doraeus?
  13. likespaphs

    Brown spot, split tips, brown at base

    Have you been told that each growth will die off after it finishes blooming but a new growth will take over?
  14. likespaphs

    This is why we cannot have nice things...

    how is your water quality?
  15. likespaphs


    It's not the flower. It's carnivorous and that's where it catches things. They are dioecious,arranged%20in%20long%20slender%20clusters.
  16. likespaphs

    pics from my new reef tank

  17. likespaphs

    Insect larvae and mite found in Phrag potting mix

    fungus gnat larva is the clear one with the black head