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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. likespaphs

    Paphiopedilum parishii

    Love this species!
  2. likespaphs

    Paphiopedilum parishii ‘Seven BridesMaids’

    i adore this species and that's a groovy flowering!
  3. likespaphs

    Am. mossambicensis

    That's fantastic! I'm a big fan of Amorphophallus, but no longer have any
  4. likespaphs

    Phrag. Fox Valley Fireball

  5. likespaphs

    Help to identify this slipper genus!

    The genus is undoubtedly Paphiopedilum Are you trying to find out the name of the species or hybrid? It looks to me like a Paph Lady Isabel
  6. likespaphs

    Phragmipedium warszewiczianum

    I second what she said!
  7. likespaphs

    Phragmipedium humboldtii

    that's fantastic!
  8. likespaphs

    Ernie from Virginia!

    howdy from Cape Cod
  9. likespaphs

    The perils of paradise (Phrag. Haley Decker)

    Have you looked into beneficials? There is a predatory mite/parasitic nematode combo (I think) that is super effective
  10. likespaphs

    Paph victoria regina

    what a great species!
  11. likespaphs

    Schoserii(seu baccanum)

  12. likespaphs

    Greetings from a new member

    howdy from Cape Cod
  13. likespaphs

    Which orchids grow naturally in your area?

    52 species and varieties are native to Massachusetts!
  14. likespaphs

    Some buds and blooms

    ha! as i often say, sometimes orchids are jerks
  15. likespaphs

    Lycaste Leilani's Pink Dust

    super cute!
  16. likespaphs

    Some Mediterranean ophrys species

    love this genus! thanks for the photos
  17. likespaphs

    Hi from Indiana!

    howdy from Cape Cod Where in Indiana? I'm from Ft Wayne
  18. likespaphs

    Phragmipedium humboldtii

    love it!