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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. E

    Paph. henryanum var. album

    Never knew there was an album henryanum. That is completely amazing.
  2. E

    Some plants stand the test of time

    Superbly grown and great looking plant.
  3. E

    Phrag Evening Blaze

    Good flower and really nice roots!
  4. E

    Fireball Family Portrait

    Yes, it's the second one. A short plant is in front of a larger one and it looks like it's branching.
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    Paph. Yang-Ji Diamond

    Very striking!
  6. E

    Paph philippinense

    Super nice. I have an 'Alford' division but have not grown it well at all.
  7. E

    Paph. delenatii

    Sorry for the delay, yes it's growing S/H and seems to be doing okay so far. I haven't been able to detect a fragrance so far though.
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    Fireball Family Portrait

    Yes based on these two, 'Bloody Mary' seems to give it a little more color saturation and is a little smaller size.
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    Fireball Family Portrait

    It looks like it's branching but that's a developing bud on top of a spike. Come to think of it I've never had a Fireball that branched.
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    Paph. Iantha Stage 2018

    Great looking flowers and super healthy plant!
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    Phrag. Fox Valley Fireball

    Here's one of the seedling photos that came out nice. This is one of the first bloom seedlings from the "family portrait" photo I just posted.
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    Paph. delenatii

    I know there's been thousands of these posted but here's one more. A nice little seedling from Sunset Valley Orchids.
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    Fireball Family Portrait

    Here are a few first bloom Fox Valley Fireball seedlings in bloom. The two shorter ones were made with Phrag. Barbara Leann 'Bloody Mary' that Tom recently posted, instead of the 'Select' clone he typically uses. I like all of them and think it's a fantastic hybrid. I've had these two years...
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    Cycnodes Wine Delight 'JEM' Fcc/Aos

    One of my favorites but not the best flowering for this one. It needs to be repotted.
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    Blc. Golden Tang

    A favorite that blooms a lot.
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    Schoenorchis fragrans

    This is a nice, rewarding miniature orchid.
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    Paphiopedilum henlenae in situ

    Completely amazing. I love seeing your pictures.
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    cattleya aurea fma dureda

    Very pretty.
  19. E

    cattleya dormanniana

    Very striking!