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  1. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Almost everyone except the climate people have now agreed on this fact. Including serious studies in the US.
  2. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    So you are saying that by pure chance, white man came along at the exact time during it's multi million year history just when it was about to become extinct due to a fire in 2019, but not because of the 100,000 fires (?) it survived before that particular point in time? Praise the LORD it is a...
  3. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Nonsense. Just leave them alone and they will continue to live until nature decides their time is up. They have managed without humans for god knows how many millennia but now only humans who have been here a couple of hundred years can do the job? I don't think so. That notion lives in the...
  4. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Yes I'm sure they have never had a fire in that area in the past hundred thousand years. The real reason the trees are still there is because they are in a canyon. I just cannot believe the on-going ******** coming from left, right and centre. Is it that people just cannot think or don't want to?
  5. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Sorry, I have no tolerance for the zombie protesters who mass around our major cities knowing less that zero about what they are saying. It's a mass neurosis or psychosis which while interesting to witness, never the less makes me feel kind of hopeless. It seems to have been taken up in direct...
  6. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    I cannot argue with this.
  7. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    For all the catastrophist morons including ''scientists'' who said that the Black Saturday fires were so bad that the soil itself burned and that the seed bank burned and that the trees were all killed and that the forest would never recover and that this is ''unprecedented'' and that ''this is...
  8. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    The days when the aborigines burned vast areas of land (pretty much the whole country) over thousands of years (not controlled burns mind you, just burns) to enable them to flush out food, to destroy their enemies etc., are over. The Australian bush has changed since then. It has been estimated...
  9. Stone

    newly discovered Paphiopedilum erythroanthum

    It looks like a colour form of hermanii
  10. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Your name is well chosen
  11. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    The mere fact that you chose the term ''borderline racist'' illustrates that your level of understanding is still in an embryonic stage concerning this subject and not really worthy of reply given that they are the same ''race'' as me. As for ''classist'', you have no knowledge at all of my...
  12. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    You have no idea what either you or I are talking about. My comment was directed exclusively to the rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth reaction to the PM who was simply trying to do his duty of making himself available to the victims. The fact that he took a holiday during the fires was ill advised -...
  13. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    No it's not. They are toothless, bong-smoking, ill-educated, ferals most probably non-working most of their lives and would probably hate ''conservative'' government as a matter of course. Most normal rational people caught up in this catastrophe do not react this way.
  14. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Welcome to the future..
  15. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    'Silent death': Australia's bushfires push countless species to extinction'' More garbage. (from the ''guardian'' no less) I await the claimed ''extinct species due to fire'' count when the dust settles.
  16. Stone

    Australia fire emergency

    Absolute pseudoscience garbage
  17. Stone

    Happy Christmas to everyone

    Happy Christmas Berthold.
  18. Stone

    Parvis and Oyster Shell

    No I use it as is. I doubt any salt would be present. I think it is very old and highly leached.
  19. Stone

    Wenshanense var. aureum

    There's no doubt they all have a common ancestor but from what I know, natural hybrids are usually found in the vicinity where both parents grow. Usually as individual plants here and there but sometimes they form large swarms of plants interbreeding with each other. This is how new species are...