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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Paphman910

    Paph. randsii

    I got the seedling from them and it was under 2 inch leafspan! It is a real slow grower. Right now I have a compot of randsii and they are faster growing than the one from Forestview.
  2. Paphman910

    Paph. Johanna Burkhardt ‘Anitchka’ AM

    Really beautiful!
  3. Paphman910

    Cattleya rex 2022

    Just keep an eye on the weather conditions before shipping! Pack in big box with lots of peanut styrofaom.
  4. Paphman910

    Mexipedilum xerophyticum

    Price reduction $75 + shipping within Canada only.
  5. Paphman910

    Paph. randsii

    That is a nice Paph randsii that you got. I also got one randsii from Forestview Garden in 2011 and still waiting for it to flower!
  6. Paphman910

    Oncidopsis Nelly Isler

    Should be an easy grower intermediate condtions as long as you keep the medium moist.
  7. Paphman910

    Good morning everyone!

    Good to hear that you are back!
  8. Paphman910

    Paphiopedilum hookerae

    Beautiful plant and flower!
  9. Paphman910

    Paphiopedilum godefroyae

    Really beautiful! What is you culture on this lovely species? Mix, temperature and fertilizer?
  10. Paphman910

    Winter roundup

    Amazing collection!
  11. Paphman910

    Returning to ST and orchids

    That is a handsome male cat! He wears white socks! Sorry your other kitties passed away.
  12. Paphman910

    Returning to ST and orchids

    Good to see you back! How are the kitties?
  13. Paphman910

    The Phals I have right now

    Good to see you are still growing orchids! I remember your incredible artwork!
  14. Paphman910

    Cattleya rex 2022

    Too bad the plant rotted from the bottom up! Cattleya rex is a very temperamental to grow. Maybe watering was fine but the increase in humidity prevented the water from drying out by nightfall with the cooler temperatures. It happens to some of my orchids from time to time.
  15. Paphman910

    Group of delenatii & HCM

    Such a wonderful group of plants and the HCM are really beautiful.
  16. Paphman910

    Increaseing light and feed on cattleyas

    Really impressive new growths!
  17. Paphman910

    Paph. tigrinum 'Peanut' AM/AOS

    Really beautiful flower!
  18. Paphman910

    Which Cattleya walkeriana to choose?

    Cattleya walkeriana (Teteus x Heitor) looks nice but the variation could come out slightly different as it is a seedling
  19. Paphman910

    Paph stonei

    One of my favorite species! Mines flower from time to time. Your flowers are beautiful!