I am finally able to get back into the greenhouse on a regular basis. Trying to catch up on 5 years of maintenance. Does this look like Les Dirouilles? This is the 5th flower on the flower spike .Thanks
The original tag is from R J Rands Orchids of Malibu, CA. Cross # 2226 P. laevigatum x P. rothscildianum 'Borneo'. Can't remember how I acquired the plant in 2012.
Carter & Holmes is offering Paphiopedilum venustum ('Foxcatcher' AM/AOS x 'Terminator') x sibling which they say originated at Woodstream Orchids. Any comments on likely flower quality? Thanks
I found this in the greenhouse today Wilmington, NC. I have never been able to get any blooms and it has been here for 10+ years. From Carter & Holmes.p