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    Paphiopedilum villosum var album

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    Paphio sanderianum

    I got those plants from local vendor last year January 2016 and all together were 15 over plants, when they arrived most of them in a very bad condition and now acclimatized very well under my atmosphere.
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    Paphio sanderianum

    Cont 1 Second clone got 2 flowers but the petals are less than 2 feet.
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    Paphio sanderianum

    Actually the leaf span more than a foot and facing the other way round and it's a single fan.
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    Paphio sanderianum

    For the sure i will and I can see young shoot already emerged from the base and I think this is one of the best clone that I have currently few more still in low buds.
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    Paphio sanderianum

    Drought season in December trigger bud formation of this wonderful species from Sarawak, here I attached serial photos from small bud till it's opened. I was intrigued with the small bud finally displayed with very long petals and mature flower.
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    Paphio lawrenceanum

    Took few days to reach this stage.
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    Paph venustum

    Lovely pouch.
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    Paphiopedilum tranlienianum

    So unique and interesting.
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    Paph Leeanum

    Amazing specimen...very nice congrats.
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    Fanaticum x bellatulum

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    Paphio concolor var. striatum

    I'm sorry I have no knowledge about v. khanburii maybe other forumer can help.
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    Paphio lawrenceanum

    Thanks SlipperKing I will take another photos once it's fully open.
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    Paphio lawrenceanum

    Just opened 2 days ago and now in the process for the next step. Surprisingly the stem is longer as compared from an old.
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    Just arrived...make a guess

    Looks good.
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    Group 2017 Summer

    Very nice.
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    Paphio concolor var. striatum

    Easy to grow and flower.
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    Paphio callosum

    Another clone from the same batch that I was received 7 months ago relatively pallor and darker pouch unfortunately the stem did not well developed.
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    Paphio exul
