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  1. L

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum ‘Eye of the Tiger’

    I always used this type of medium too, next repotting I want to try 50% pumice 50% perlite just to have a coarser material. Here only perlite n.3 Is available and Is quite small. I noticed that almost all orchid nurseries in Europe use only pumice as draining material. Do you treat bark with...
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    Paphiopedilum tigrinum ‘Eye of the Tiger’

    Very nice! Are you growing it ( and other paphs too) with organic medium?
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    A Couple of Fukiran in Bloom

    So what do you grow them in? Sfagnum?
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    Cattleya percivalliana ' Paolo'

    Another one from Venezuela... Cattleya percivalliana color "Rio Caura"
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    Cattleya percivalliana ' Paolo'

    My opinion Is that a close or open tube does not depend on particular environmental conditions, Indeed I have other percivalliana with a more closed tube just under the same GH. More a genetic factor for me.
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    Cattleya percivalliana ' Paolo'

    Thanks SP!
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    A Couple of Fukiran in Bloom

    Very charming plants! It sounds strange that I never had in my life one of this little jewels! Time to buy some. Are the pink/violet flower varieties sweet smelling too?
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    A Few Exciting Things to Look forward to!

    The wait Is at least as exciting as the blooming! Good luck we all looking forward to seeing them!
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    Sophronitis Surprise!

    I've never grown under led lights but I did notice that colours appear brighter and shiner under fluo tubes.
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    Cattleya...First love.

    2 more flowers to open!
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    Cattleya...First love.

    Blc. Melody Fair Carol....One of my best semi-alba ibrid. Great substance and size I love the contrast of the pristine white petals and sepals and the royal velvet magenta of the lip.
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    Sophronitis Surprise!

    Leslie, what kind of lights are you using in there? Led, fluo?
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    Sophronitis Surprise!

    Indeed, whatever It is!!!
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    Paphiopedilum parishii culture advice

    I had seen this method at a paph nursery in Germany. The owner was a skilled grower. He built a 1 Meter cube concrete(1000 lt./250 gal) tank into his GH and just dip the air stone inside the tank keeping It constantly bubble into the water. He also warmed the water up with an Aquarium heater. In...
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    Cattleya percivalliana ' Paolo'

    This one comes from Venezuela. The pseudobulbs are quite smaller than other normal size C. percivalliana.
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    Paph. venustum album (Popow)

    After a week here Is a quick update to see what changes have occurred in the shape of the flower. A little recurving backwards of the petals.
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    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

    Bravo Guru!!! Forgive least this time!
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    Paph dianthum fma album

    Thanks Will have a look
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    Cattleya percivaliana alba

    I agree it's not such a good perfume like most others cattleya. The white form it's a bit better.
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    Paphiopedilum parishii culture advice

    Well if I try to think like an orchid I guess that when ample supply of water and nutrients are close to me why should I spend energy to grow an abundant and extensive root system? The opposite Is also true, if the medium Is on the dry side I must go in search for water and I need to extend and...