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  1. Roy

    C. tenebrosa (Maria Fumacea x Kathleen)

    1st flowering seedling. Very happy with this one.
  2. Roy

    Stanhopea Mem. Paul Allen

    Just about finished now. One week max', high temp's here doesn't help. May last longer if it were in a cooler location.
  3. Roy

    Stanhopea Mem. Paul Allen

    4th spike/flowering for the year. Can't say it doesn't give value for money.
  4. Roy

    C. mossiae

    A seedling 1st flowering from C. mossiae semi alba 'Superb' x self. (label says) Had a few cultural problems & decided to repot a few plants. Knocked this out & then saw the bud. Needless to say it got a few bumps. Its 5.75 inches across. Looking forward to seeing it on a better plant.
  5. Roy

    C. walkeriana var. cerulea

    I would have bought it also, very nice Dot.
  6. Roy

    Slc. Precious Jewel x C. walkeriana

    I have to add my surprise to the flower & cross. Different.
  7. Roy

    Raisin Glory ?

    I wouldn't discount it being a Raisin Glory. There are a number of these about, very similar. This is better that a lot of seen.
  8. Roy

    Rth. Dal's Moon 'Thai Gold'

    And GOLD it is. Flowering off a small growth on a back-cut division.
  9. Roy

    Cattleya Red Doll

    I reckon I could have this in my collection.
  10. Roy

    C. Ruth Gee & Caulaelia Fair Jewel

    I've just started repotting & room isn't something I have a lot of. Not sure if I make room or loose more yet. Atleast the Vandas etc are up & out of the way. Too many different genera now, don't need any more no matter how much I like them, like Bulbo's.
  11. Roy

    C. Ruth Gee & Caulaelia Fair Jewel

    Vanda, & Ascocenda plants Troy.
  12. Roy

    C. Ruth Gee & Caulaelia Fair Jewel

    A couple of plants in flower atm.
  13. Roy

    Three Paphs from Show

    I think the cross was done by NickyZ. The owner buys a lot of stuff from Nicky. To all. Just need to be clear, these plants aren't mine. They belong to friends of mine though. I wish they were mine.
  14. Roy

    Three Paphs from Show

    Eric, I think the photo improves the mic x Gold. Not all that exciting. The Gold Dollar used I believe is a 4n clone. Quite dominant in other crosses I've seen also.
  15. Roy

    Three Paphs from Show

    These 3 Paphs were interesting at a recent show here. #1. P. micranthum Champion Orchid of show & received an AM. #2. P. Venus Hold #3. P. micranthum x Gold Dollar. The 2 spikes were 2 feet long each with 2 flowers on each & 1 or 2 more coming that I could see.
  16. Roy

    Coelogyne Unchained Melody

    Its sitting on the bench under the Vandas. Gets good morning light ( all light soon to be improved) Nothing special. Maybe you need a cooler spot if possible.
  17. Roy

    Coelogyne Unchained Melody

    2 plants in flower after large plant I was given to rescue 2 years ago. 3 out of the 4 plants flowered, very easy to grow & flower.
  18. Roy

    C. Dal's Good One 'Janelle'

    In the Mini Catt class, grows like a weed but can be stubbon to flower.
  19. Roy

    Rlc. Momilani Rainbow

    Just opened, 5 flowers on the head.
  20. Roy

    2 Blue Zygos

    Both superb Dot.