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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. F

    My Cyps

    Hi, Ellen, I keep everything in pots for at least three years. The reginae will really start taking off (when you take them out of the pot you will be amazed at the roots) so they should go into 6 inch pots at least. Even these will be a bit small by the end of next year - although I do get...
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    Cyp reginae at the farmers market

    They only have tomato's and cucumbers at my farmers' market! Ron
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    Cypri.sichuanense in flower

    Spectacular photos and thanks for showing the entire plant and the habitat information. A very beautiful orchid. Ron
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    Cyp Ulla Silkens in the Garden

    That's a very nice Ulla. So many of them just look like poor specimens of reginae. I like the spotted pouch specimens. Thx Ron
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    Cypripedium passerinum

    Very nice photos, thanks! The Cyp passerinum is a real beauty. Ron
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    Showy Ladyslippers and more from Grant Rd. (pt 1)

    Beautiful reginae! The Platanthera are very nice specimens. Thx! Ron
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    Cypripedium Lucy Pinkepank

    Here is a Pinkepank hybrid that is blooming for me the first time this year, Lucy Pinkepank. All the photos of this hybrid show a very attractive flower and I have seen Paul Perakos' plant flowering in person. The flower is quite bright, nearly all red and it is huge. The parents are...
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    Cypripedium Princess

    Pod vs pollen parent can certainly influence in a specific reciprocal cross. Having done several of these I can say it does not make much difference in the long run. For Princess, all of the crosses have used reginae as the pod parent. Ron
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    Phragmipedium Stephen Manza

    Extremely nice! Ron
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    Cypripedium Princess

    Often reginae does seem to dominate but as more crosses are made, many hybrids appear intermediate between the two parents. Some of those that looked just like reginae may have been pre-pollenated by bees although Ulla Silkens for instance generally looks just like reginae (but not always!) and...
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    Cyp candidum

    Nice and healthy plant! I suspect that you will see it make lots of new clumps quickly! Ron
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    Cypripedium Princess

    Hi, Robert, I was certainly thinking about reginae - I am glad you suggested it. Perhaps it will have a nice tall habit (the one that Tom pictures seems to have a much taller habit). Thx Ron
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    Cypripedium Princess

    I am in Litchfield CT so mid-zone 5. I am pleased with the color. Another specimen that Tom has shown has similar spots, although not as many and it has spots on the lateral tepals rather than the incomplete stripes this one has. From the photo it appears that it has similar leaf markings. Ron
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    Cypripedium Princess

    I have only had it since last fall but it was overwintered with the rest of my Cyps outside in a pot under leaves. This spring it came up late compared to most others (as does Cyp reginae) and is blooming late along with Cyp reginae - Cyp lichiangense also blooms late. It is a very happy plant...
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    Cypripedium Princess

    To follow Tom's photos of Cyp lichiangense, here is a very unusual hybrid between it and Cyp reginae, Cyp Princess. There are few of these in cultivation even though it was one of the earliest hybrids registered (1995 by Carson Whitlow) - the two parents are very distantly related and of very...
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    Arisaema candidissimum f. album

    Very nice! I like this form. Dont worry yet if yours are not up yet - I thought mine did not make it either but suddenly they have popped up. A very cool spring I think. Thx for sharing! Ron
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    orchids and such from nelson swamp (part 1)

    Charles, Thanks! Great photos in both of these posts. The Corallorhiza here is a very special photo! Ron
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    Cyp Sebastian

    Congrats on Sebastian! Are the flowers the same size as montanum? Ron
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    Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens in my garden

    That is a very nice pubescens. It has great form and color! Ron
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    Cyp montanum

    That is one magnificient montanum! Congratulations! I wish I could keep them going here long term but it gets too hot during the summer. I will likely keep trying different ways though. The yellow I would label as pubescens. Good luck! Ron