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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Where to acquire orchid seeds

    Hi everyone, I want to re-begin doing in-vitro culture of orchids but I am only missing the seeds:p Therefor I was wondering if you knew any places I can order some from or even if any of you have some spare? Thank you for your help. All the best Math
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    P. reticulatum habitat

    You should see pearcei, these grow in colonies of thousand in the boulders emerging and around waterfall....they are the only grip for your foots in order to pursue your trekking near the rivers...
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    Hi from Montréal - Canada

    Thank you all for your warm welcome. Math
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    P. reticulatum habitat

    In the context of my research, I went to the the department of Huanuco - PERU in order observed the status of endangered frogs. In the mountains of this department, the weather is usually crappy. Most of the time it seems like UK (sorry to the British): cold (i.e. around 20C during the day and...
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    Hi from Montréal - Canada

    Hi everyone, I'm from Montréal QC -CANADA. I have been growing orchids for 9 years now. I first ran into orchids when I was living in Malaysia (at the time I was in high school). Orchids were virtually present everywhere as Malaysia (like some other country of South-East Asia) were a major...