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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. R

    Hello from Wa

    I don't know if this is the right place to ask this..... I have lived my life almost entirely outside social media. I don't know if I should respond to individual messages or not or even how to get two messages "quoted" in one reply. Thanks for any pointers.
  2. R

    Hello from Wa

    All these orchid rooms. I want one. 😂 Do you grow primarily polyanthas with your catts? Do you reduce the temp in the winter? How do you control the temp in the room? I definitely don't have a room to devote to orchids. I do have a basement, but it would be too cold most of the year. I was...
  3. R

    Hello from Wa

    Oh my, they are all so healthy looking! Are they in bloom now? Would you know what the beautiful all white paph is in the centerish? What kind of lights are you using. I have some pretty high powered lights that I use for my garden seedlings but I think they are too much for paphs. And the mount...
  4. R

    Hello from Wa

    What a nice welcome everyone. Thank you. I do in fact live close to ECO. My first two paphs and several later acquisitions came from there. They seem to have inherited a large selection from a grower in CA. The orchids were struggling a bit. ☹️ I haven't been back to see how they are recovering...
  5. R

    Need help posting

    How embarrassing. I am not very tech savvy and am trying to post my first question in the pest and diseases forum. But I am unable to post because the content might be "spam-like or inappropriate". I promise it is neither of these. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  6. R

    Hello from Wa

    Ahh, I think it is paphalogical! 😂 I doubt that one is very novel on this site. But I do have all of big923's symptoms. I seem to have it worse for the parvisepalums (parvisepala?) I have picked up a leighlyn koopowitz, an armeni white, and a green smoke, who has yet to start putting up a fan...
  7. R

    Hello from Wa

    Hello. Last January I bought two paphs in spike and really enjoyed their blooms. But it was when they started growing new fans later in the spring that I was really bit and my collection stared growing.