Chamberlainianum can Have dark solid green leaves, to light, heavily mottled yellow green leaves, and everything in between. I’ve seen numerous pics of them growing together in the wild with all leaf types packed right next to each other.
I grow it with all my paphs, in a west window of my home. Bright shade most of the day, and a couple hours of direct sun in the afternoon. I grow them in straight sphagnum, and water when it’s dry. Very easy and reliable bloomer.
This guy is going crazy too! Lol so tiny and cute, and smells like the most amazing sweet, sugary lemons! There are 4 mature plants in this 1.5” pot! I’ve counted a total of 11 spikes that are forming, and or blooming this year! Love this little cutie!
Update!! This little guy must be extremely happy this year!! I originally stated and showed it had 3 spikes this year. Since then, it grew and flowered a 4th spike, and I just realized now, that it’s producing its 5th and 6th spike!!! Wow!!!
This is a first time bloomer for me. 2 peduncles blooming on a 5’ vine. That’s 5’ of grow just this summer out doors! This smells exactly like a pina colada! Lol