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  1. Junglejewel

    Venustum (3 blooms)

    Thank you! This particular venustum grows like a weed.
  2. Junglejewel

    Venustum (3 blooms)

    Thank you!
  3. Junglejewel

    WOW!!! Venustum ‘pink wings’

    Wow this thing is gorgeous!! First time bloomer for me, and I am thrilled!! It’s venustum ‘pink wings’ x ‘flat wings’.
  4. Junglejewel

    Venustum (3 blooms)

    One of my favorite venustum’s I have. She’s a beauty!
  5. Junglejewel

    Paph liemianum? mottled leaf

    Yes mine is from Orchid’s Ltd. I have a book on Orchid’s of Sumatra, and there are a few pictures of pure Liemianum, both solid green and mottled leaf, growing side by side in the wild.
  6. Junglejewel

    Paph liemianum? mottled leaf

    here’s mine
  7. Junglejewel

    Paph liemianum? mottled leaf

    I have a mottled leaf Liemianum, and what I’ve learned with mine, is it requires tons of water!!, more than my Venustum’s do. I give mine decent light, with at least a 1/2 of direct sun, depending on the time of the year, and tons of water all year long.
  8. Junglejewel

    Cycnoches Chlorochilon

    Thank you! It’s a reliable bloomer every winter
  9. Junglejewel

    Cycnoches Chlorochilon

    The flowers do very much resemble that species this year for sure, but I assure you it is pure Chlorochilon
  10. Junglejewel

    Cycnoches Chlorochilon

    Very delicious and intoxicating!! I got it about 4 years ago at Orchid’s Limited.
  11. Junglejewel

    Cycnoches Chlorochilon

    My Cycnoches Clorochilon is in bloom. I love this thing!! Every winter, it fills the room with a very strong aroma of sweet banana popsicles!
  12. Junglejewel

    Paph venustum

    i will say, I grew and flowered all my venustum’s and most Paph’s for that matter without a humidifier in the home for years! Light, media, and watering are way more important. The added humidity just makes them a bit happier
  13. Junglejewel

    Paph venustum

    Thank you Ray! Beautiful specimen! I’d take it off your hands for you to add to my venustum collection! Haha
  14. Junglejewel

    Paph venustum

    Any pics of the entire plant Ray? Thank you sir!
  15. Junglejewel

    Paph venustum

    Probably kept them too dry... I’ve found that my venustum’s require a lot of water all year long.
  16. Junglejewel

    Paph venustum

    Do you have any pics of the entire plant? Venustum’s are my favorite species. I have about 20 of them in my collection. Many crosses, as well as many different straight “wild” strains, if you will... my Venustum’s all flourish!! I grow all mine inside the house in a west window, with a cold air...
  17. Junglejewel

    Paph Liemianum

    The leaves
  18. Junglejewel

    Paph Liemianum

    Yes it's very beautiful even when it in flower
  19. Junglejewel

    Paph Liemianum

    Beautiful aren't they!!
  20. Junglejewel

    Paph Liemianum

    No it's straight Liemianum. They can either be solid green or mottled. I highly prefer the mottled leaf! :)