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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Dandrobium

    Phrag. Waunaukee Sunset

    Nice colour and texture! Very cute!
  2. Dandrobium

    Den. spectabile

    Here's a first flowering for my dendrobium spectabile I picked up a couple years ago as a large seedling. This plant, of all orchids I have in semi hydro, has outperformed all others in terms of growth & vigor in that media. Most all of my dendrobiums do well in S/H, but this one takes the cake...
  3. Dandrobium

    Phrag. besseae var. flavum 'Charlie'

    Thanks! I am pretty happy with the flower! I've got it in a 4.5" pot with CHC, leca, charcoal, and sphag. I water it every second day and typically have it sitting in a saucer in the warmer seasons. I don't let this dry out, and try to water when the media is just lightly moist. Right now, temps...
  4. Dandrobium

    Paph venustum

    Very nice indeed!
  5. Dandrobium

    Paph micranthum

    Great growing! Such a slow grower for me too... but the patience is worth it.
  6. Dandrobium

    Dayanum (modified imagesack settings)

    Wonderful! A very elegant species!
  7. Dandrobium

    Phrag. besseae var. flavum 'Charlie'

    Here's 'Charlie' that I got from John M a couple years back. First flowering for me
  8. Dandrobium

    miniature fairrieanum, 'Raspberry Web' (x self)

    I agree! Nice flower!
  9. Dandrobium

    Some species:

    Holy crap! Great collection, I really like that coelogyne!
  10. Dandrobium

    Barbara LeAnn

    What a great bloom, definitely worth saving!
  11. Dandrobium

    PEOY x anitum

    I really like the pattern on the dorsal! This should be a great hybrid! How big is this plant? Blooming size? I'm growing a couple compots of this and would love to see some more blooms :poke:
  12. Dandrobium

    A Few Catasetinae Group

    Great growing, wonderful displays! I really like that spotted Clowesetum!
  13. Dandrobium

    Not 100% culture but interesting..

    My thoughts are that the misting helps with petal hydration, allowing the plant to continue growing the petals rather than having to continually hydrate the existing petal size. Great observation and experiment! I'll be sure to try this with the next long petalled paph/phrag that comes out!
  14. Dandrobium

    Stelis mystax

    Great photos, and very unique flowers! Congrats!
  15. Dandrobium

    Bulbo. fascinator

    I love all the different colours on this! Very cool bloom
  16. Dandrobium

    Phrag. fisheri

    Great colour, I'm sure the form will improve on future blooms!
  17. Dandrobium

    Phrag. Grande 'Glen's Pride'

    Gorgeous, all around!
  18. Dandrobium

    Paph ciliolare

    I've never seen such a nice ciliolare. This is a special one!
  19. Dandrobium

    Phrag besseae

    She's a beauty. Great colour!
  20. Dandrobium

    Mormodes hybrid

    Quite the spotted beauty here! Very nice