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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. H

    flasking of non orchid plants

    Finally , gave up trying to germinate them , I sent some seeds to Shane to be flasked . The seeds are so small ( I don't think it would be exaggerate to say that they are as small as orchids' seeds) I am thinking since they are so small , there won't be a lot of nutrition packed in them, they...
  2. H

    flasking of non orchid plants

    hi all , I have a question about induce germination of non-orchid seeds: -has anyone tried to produce non orchid plants in flask before? -can flasker provide this service ? (I have some non orchid seeds that I couldn't germinate )
  3. H

    petaloid javanicum

    I bought this javanicum this year at the Dearborn show, NJ , in bud, I was very disappointed when it bloomed , I am not sure it would improve in future bloom ! the 3rd photo was at it final full blooming
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    Redlands Show: May 18-21, 2023 (Florida)

    sweet ! very very dark indeed , potential future awards and breeding material for sure
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    New discovery of a Phragmipedium besseae population from Peru.

    in your video, the besseae looks even more beautiful in its nature habitat than in any greenhouse. Too bad had the locals protect the site and charge tourists for guide/trip /food/lodging they would generate a source of income indefinitely into the future , instead one time money, then no more ...
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    Phragmipedium Robert-Jan Quené and Fritz Schomburg at the Dresden Orchid Show 2023

    did the orchid show use fluorescent lighting ? the color seems to be on the cool side
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    P. Waunaukee Sunset 'Cherry'

    funny you mentioned that, I also have a waunakee sunset"cherry" division from Chuck , when it flowered it looked like this ( some visitor to his nursery probably switched the tag to get a "named clone" plant without paying the real price, or some one pulled the tag & put it back in a different...
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    Central PA Orchid Society Show - March 25-26

    Wait a minute, don't tell me this person grow the orchid on rare expensive Reishi mushroom substrate? are they Reishi mushrooms?
  9. H

    Paphiopedilum liemianum ‘Charlie’ CCM/AOS

    so many flowers , one flower after another, also a real pouch (not just a fold) . So many desire features , a must in anyone's collection for sure .
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    Another Paph. bellatulum

    wow this is a beautiful flower
  11. H

    a couple of first bloom besseae

    I totally agree with you, I love them , but they always grow s..s..smaller under my watchful eyes , and then just rootstock left .😢
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    Paphiopedilum jackii albums ‘JF and Jaqueline’

    oh, they are so beautiful . plants from "Z" can not be cheap, must cost you an arm & two legs?
  13. H

    New venustums from Taiwan

    Leslie , Which Taiwanese vendor at the Toronto show brought these venustums ? with the vendor name , I think peoples from the USA could order through TenShin . Did they tell you that one parent is a Tibetan type? because I kind of expect them to be selfed instead of diluting the color with...
  14. H

    New venustums from Taiwan

    adding these to the Tokyo purchased previously , you must have at least 3 dozens excellent venustums by now , I am in awed . I wish they had venustums like these in the 2 New Jersey shows, I only saw one sole not-in-flower for sale in our shows !!! Still I think you should look for those red...
  15. H

    I need a new lab

    My question is: 1) is the species Anitum a hard one to germinate & increase in size inside flask ? from what I heard, some orchid species are quite hard to achieve successful in pollination , getting a pod, and finally germination (3 chances to fail) , not even mention about protocorm growth. 2)...
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    Paph. rothschildianum

    yes, I think it was her
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    Paph. rothschildianum

    Oh, so she just helping Woodstream , what is her name, Eric ? I didn't know that they have AOS judge at the Deepcut show... do you mean peoples could bring their plants to the show for judging? don't they need a team to determine the award ? where do they find these judges in New Jersey? I...
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    Paph. rothschildianum

    was the petite lady with white hair & very sweet natured at the show his wife ?
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    Paph. rothschildianum
